Three members of a family found dead in Konni; Bodies two days old | konni news | pathanamthitta news | konni family death | kerala news | malayalam news

by time news

Pathanamthitta: Three members of a family were found dead at their home in Konni. Sonny, 45, his wife Reena, 44, and son Ryan, eight, were found dead at their home in Thekkineth in Konni Payyanaman. The bodies of Reena and Ryan were lying in the bedroom, mutilated. Sony’s body was lying on a bed in another room. Police initially believe Sony may have committed suicide after killing his wife and son.

A relative was searching the house on Sunday morning as Sony and family had not been out in the past few days. Meanwhile, the bodies were found when I looked through the open window. He then informed the locals and the police. Police say the bodies are two days old.

Sony, an expatriate, recently returned home. Locals say he had financial obligations. It is learned that Sony had recently sought treatment for depression at a hospital in Parumala. Ryan is the adopted child of the couple as they have no children.

Content Highlights: Three in a family found dead in Konni, Pathanamthitta


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