The Army’s Position on Ultra-Orthodox Integration and Conscription Laws: A Forward-Looking Perspective

by time news

Title: Israeli Army Opposes Conscription Law Due to Fear of Crisis and Negative Impact on IDF Recruitment

Subtitle: Ultra-Orthodox Community Refuses to Compromise on Enactment of New Conscription Law

Date: [Current Date]

In a recent development, the Israeli army has taken a firm stance against a proposed conscription law that aims to equalize the treatment of army servants and Torah scholars. The security establishment, which supports the gradual integration of ultra-Orthodox individuals into the army, fears that the current form of the law may exacerbate the crisis within the military and have long-term repercussions on IDF recruitment patterns.

The Chief of Staff, Hertzi Halevi, emphasized the commitment of the State of Israel to uphold the People’s Army model during a scholarship distribution ceremony called “Adopt a Warrior.” The army has consistently expressed its opposition to the conscription law in its present form, even in discussions with the political echelon. This opposition is in stark contrast to the demands of the ultra-Orthodox parties, who seek the speedy approval of the law in the Knesset, in accordance with coalition agreements.

If passed, the new conscription law would effectively grant a complete exemption to ultra-Orthodox individuals from army service. This exemption would not include any quotas or alternative models for national service, which is a concern for the security establishment. Given the increasing population of the ultra-Orthodox sector, gradual integration into the army is seen as a vital security need that looks towards the future. The lack of substitutes for conscripting the army, such as national service, is also a point of concern from a public value perspective.

Additionally, the security establishment strongly opposes a separate Torah study law that aims to grant the same status to Torah students as that of soldiers serving the state. The integration of Torah Judaism into the army, according to the establishment, poses a threat to the principle of the people’s army.

The passage of the conscription laws in their current form has raised significant public protest over the past few months. The security establishment is deeply concerned that this could deepen the crisis within the IDF. Moreover, with the demographic growth in the ultra-Orthodox society leading to an increasing number of exemptions, the motivation for combat service and the principle of the people’s army could be severely compromised in the long run.

In conclusion, the Israeli army firmly opposes the current form of the conscription law due to fears of a crisis within the IDF and a negative impact on recruitment patterns. The security establishment supports the gradual integration of ultra-Orthodox individuals into the army through quotas and alternative models. The ongoing protests and tensions related to the conscription law highlight the significant challenges faced by the Israeli government in balancing the needs of different segments of society while maintaining the security of the country.

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