NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) Rocket Deemed ‘Unaffordable’ by Senior Officials: Report

by time news

Senior NASA officials have reportedly stated that the agency’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, which is an essential component of the Artemis program, is “unaffordable,” according to a report from the US Government Accountability Office. The report raises concerns about the rocket’s current cost levels and criticizes the lack of transparency regarding ongoing costs.

The GAO report does not specify which officials made these claims or how many officials were involved. CNN reached out to NASA for comment, but has not received an immediate response. However, the report does mention that NASA recognizes the need to improve the affordability of the SLS program.

To address the cost issues, the SLS program has developed a roadmap that aims to stabilize the flight schedule, increase efficiencies, encourage innovation, and adjust acquisition strategies to reduce cost risk. These strategies are intended to result in future cost savings, according to the GAO report.

The Artemis program, of which the SLS rocket is a crucial part, is NASA’s flagship effort to return humans to the surface of the moon and establish a permanent lunar settlement. The first test launch of the SLS rocket, called Artemis I, was successfully completed in November of last year. This mission paved the way for the first crewed test mission around the moon, scheduled for late 2024.

Despite the success of Artemis I, the SLS program has faced criticism from government watchdogs, including the GAO and NASA’s inspector general. These watchdogs have highlighted contracting issues, such as cost overruns, as well as transparency issues regarding cost estimates for scheduled Artemis launches and ongoing expenses for the program.

In its latest report, the GAO recommended that NASA develop a cost baseline that captures production costs for missions using the SLS Block I. However, NASA has only partially implemented this recommendation so far. The report also mentioned that NASA does not plan to measure production costs to monitor the affordability of its most powerful rocket.

The development of the SLS rocket has already cost nearly $12 billion, and NASA has requested over $11 billion in its recent budget request to fund the program for the next four years.

The concerns raised by the GAO report highlight the challenges NASA faces in ensuring the affordability of the SLS program and the overall success of the Artemis program. As NASA continues to work towards its goal of returning humans to the moon and establishing a sustainable lunar presence, it will be crucial for the agency to address these cost issues and improve transparency in order to maintain public support and achieve its ambitious objectives.

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