Gultekin Hajibeyli: “Political pluralism, freedom of thought, different thinking are being destroyed in Azerbaijan”

by time news

2023-09-05 06:53:59

Gultekin Hajibeyli, a member of the Coordination Center of the National Council of Democratic Forces, spoke about the state of political activity, media, freedom of thought and speech in Azerbaijan in an interview.

Local and international criticism of political rights in Azerbaijan has become intense in recent times. What do you think are the reasons for these criticisms?

These criticisms are indeed valid criticisms. If until now, Azerbaijan was characterized as a country of strict authoritarianism, and in all international reports and tables it was exhibited as a state corresponding to this criterion, in recent years, especially in recent months, we have observed a very serious decline in the field of human rights and democracy in Azerbaijan. This is primarily in the field of media freedom, freedom of free assembly, and political activity. You know that since 2019, the freedom of free assembly has been generally prohibited in Azerbaijan. Until 2019, for better or worse, this freedom was provided, albeit to a limited extent. In recent years, after the adoption of a new law “On Media” and new amendments to the media register, activities of almost free and independent media have been blocked in Azerbaijan. The latest reactionary law “On Political Parties” and the recent amendments to the “Code of Administrative Offenses of Azerbaijan” are legislative initiatives that attack the roots of the political system in the country. With the implementation of these initiatives, the country is almost closed. The country is already, so to speak, rapidly approaching the standards of Cambodia, Uganda, Turkmenistan, North Korea, and Eritrea. It is no coincidence that these countries are Azerbaijan’s neighbors in the international evaluation tables.

Legislative acts covering political rights, media and labor rights adopted by the Parliament of Azerbaijan have caused local protests along with international criticism. Why do you think the government and the legislature do not consider these protests?

There are several reasons for this. The first reason is that international protests are not serious. Azerbaijan is not such a big country, Azerbaijan’s resources are not so limitless. The Azerbaijani government is generally a government that does not have the support of the people. Therefore, it cannot be considered as a government with continuity in the face of international pressures. From this point of view, if the international pressures become serious, if they become more material, the Azerbaijani authorities will have no other chance but to take a step back. But unfortunately, today we are not witnessing serious pressures from either the USA or the European Union. Certain declarations are made, certain objections are expressed verbally, in the form of a statement. But one does not go far from the word. Namely, this creates a self-confidence in the Azerbaijani authorities that they can continue on this path. That is, this is primarily related to the weakness and toothlessness of international reactions. But on the other hand, there is another reason. The reason for this is that the Azerbaijani authorities know the international context and understand that the world is currently in a decisive period, and there are very difficult moments when geopolitical interests collide. After these moments are over, that is, I say this taking into account the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. After the Russia-Ukraine conflict ends with the victory of Ukraine and democracy, I have no doubt about it, a new order will emerge in the world. There will be no place for authoritarianism in this order. There will be no place for corrupt-authoritarian leaders in this system. The Azerbaijani authorities seem to be preparing for that period. He is preparing himself for that period. He wants to stifle all the protest potential in the country until that period, to Turkmenize the society, to reset the power of resistance in the society, and after that to enter the next stage with a society without resistance, teeth, and power of protest. This is the policy implemented by the Azerbaijani authorities using the opportunity that has arisen at this moment. But there is a third factor here. This is due to the fact that at the current stage of the settlement of Karabakh and the settlement of Azerbaijan-Armenia, the Azerbaijani authorities believe that a successful international conjuncture has been created for it, and western institutions can overlook many “capricious” and harsh behaviors of the Azerbaijani authorities in matters of human rights and democracy. . Indeed it is. From that point of view, he wants to use the opportunity to destroy the entire political system in the country and prepare himself for the post-war period.

A number of influential international organizations of the world call on Azerbaijan to fulfill its obligations. In what areas do you think Azerbaijan has not fulfilled its international obligations? What are the consequences of this?

Azerbaijan has not fulfilled its obligations in many areas. For example, Azerbaijan is a member of the Council of Europe, and while joining the Council of Europe, Azerbaijan assumed obligations from several blocs. The implementation of those obligations is really bad. Some of the obligations have been fulfilled in a certain period. For example, when Azerbaijan joined the Council of Europe, the problem of 716 political prisoners was solved, and it can be said that the big list was closed with very few exceptions. But today, in 2023, we are in such a pitiful situation that today there are more than two hundred new political prisoners in Azerbaijan. In 2001, when Azerbaijan joined the Council of Europe, the list was closed again. According to human rights organizations, there are already more than two hundred political prisoners today. For example, on the eve of Azerbaijan joining the Council of Europe, and even during the years of its membership, freedom of assembly was ensured in Azerbaijan, albeit at a limited level. Today, this freedom is generally prohibited. In fact, this right given to citizens of Azerbaijan in the constitution of Azerbaijan is a sham. I can say the same about media, freedom of opinion and freedom of speech. Because there are no independent local information channels in Azerbaijan. The government of Azerbaijan generally banned these information channels and free media. People get information out of compulsion over the Internet, from various YouTube channels, and other social networks. From that point of view, it is also sad here. The last signs of democracy in the country, the last elements, are the political opposition, which is fighting at the expense of its own sacrifice, at the expense of the great sacrifices it has made. For many years, the Azerbaijani authorities have done everything to marginalize the activity of this opposition, to turn this opposition movement into a dissident movement, to put it in a dissident format, and then to cancel it altogether. Because at this time, its effect will be weaker and less. The new law “On Political Parties” adopted by the Azerbaijani authorities recently, including the amendment to the “Code of Administrative Offenses” related to the implementation of this law, creates such a situation in the country that we are actually reviving the political landscape of the Soviet Union before our eyes. In other words, there was a political party during the Soviet period. According to Article 6 of the Constitution of the Soviet Union, the leading role of only one political party, the Communist Party, was mentioned in the country. There was no other political party in the country. That is, multipartyism as a system was abolished. Today, Azerbaijan is “successfully” moving in this direction. The political authorities of Azerbaijan almost shut down political activities in the country. The “Code of Administrative Offenses” provides for prosecutions against those engaged in political activity, even those who present themselves as members of a political party banned by the state. It is possible that later sanctions were included in the “Criminal Code” related to such harassment. In fact, they make political activity in Azerbaijan an illegal activity, so to speak. This means that one of the most important pillars of democracy in Azerbaijan, political pluralism, freedom of thought, different thinking is being destroyed. This does not bode well for Azerbaijan or our region.

Voice of America

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