“Close stadiums and reduce shows”

by time news

“Closing the stadiums, temporarily reducing the number of shows: at this stage there is a need not for a lockdown, but for a reduction in the number of meeting places for people”. Thus Filippo Anelli, president of Fnomceo, the National Federation of Medical Orders, on Radio24. The limitation you are talking about would be limited to the month of January. “The obligation to vaccinate the fifties, which is a very good prospect, has a rather long time – he explains – We would instead need measures that cool the curve today and allow us to move towards a normal situation”.

According to Anelli, there are some changes that could improve the ‘Regions in color’ system. “The color mechanism – underlines Radio24 – is mainly calibrated on the ability of hospitals to hold up. Now, however, we need to give an answer to patients who are at home: the color mechanism should also take into account the indicators of the spread of the virus, especially of those that show a tracing failure. This would give the sense of a response to a variant which, fortunately, because we are largely vaccinated, does not give great effects: a part between 18 and 20% is symptomatic. these citizens will have to give an answer in terms of assistance. Today general medicine is strongly put under pressure due to the very high number of people who turn to their doctors “.

As for the return to class, “postponing the opening of school could have been a measure of common sense: we are only saying that in June the virus will not be there, as it has not been in the previous two years; therefore, the lessons could have been extended fifteen days in June “says Anelli.

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