The Rising Trend of Obesity-Related Heart Disease Deaths: A New Study Sheds Light

by time news

New Study Highlights Link Between Obesity and Heart-Related Deaths

Obesity has long been recognized as a risk factor for various diseases, and now a new study has shed light on its connection to heart-related deaths. The study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, revealed that over a 20-year period, the number of obesity-related heart disease deaths in the United States tripled.

Researchers analyzed electronic health records from 281,135 heart disease deaths, identifying obesity as a contributing factor. They also examined gender, race, and setting (urban versus rural). The results showed that heart deaths were most prevalent among Black individuals, particularly Black women, followed by those of American Indian or Alaska Native descent.

“It’s concerning to see the increasing burden of obesity translating into rising heart disease deaths,” said lead author Dr. Zahra Raisi-Estabragh, a clinical lecturer at the William Harvey Research Institute in London. The study is the first of its kind to demonstrate this correlation between obesity and heart disease deaths.

The findings also indicated disparities among different racial groups. Black women had the highest rates of fatal heart disease related to obesity, while men from other racial backgrounds were more likely to be affected than women. Furthermore, Black adults living in urban areas experienced more obesity-linked heart disease deaths compared to their rural counterparts, unlike individuals of other races who faced higher risks in rural settings.

Dr. Mamas A. Mamas, professor of cardiovascular medicine at Keele University, called the higher obesity-related cardiovascular death rates among Black women “striking and different from all other racial groups.” The reasons behind this trend, and the overall increased risk of heart disease due to obesity, are multifaceted.

Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, explained that inflammatory chemicals accumulate in white fat, leading to an increased risk of clotting and the buildup of coronary plaques, which can cause sudden heart attacks. Sedentary lifestyles, poor food choices, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure also contribute to the heightened risk of heart disease and death among those with obesity.

In addition to heart disease, obesity also raises the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Dr. Siegel pointed out that there are a limited number of insulin receptors per body surface area, leading to further heart disease risks.

Approximately 42% of the U.S. population now falls into the obese category, marking a 10% increase from the previous decade. The impact of obesity on heart health is alarming considering cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming nearly 930,000 lives in 2020.

It is essential to address the rising rates of obesity and its associated health risks, particularly within disproportionately affected communities. The study’s authors acknowledge potential limitations, such as errors in medical coding and data entry. Further research and public health interventions are needed to combat the concerning trend of obesity-related heart disease deaths.

Fox News Digital has reached out to the lead study author for further comment on the implications of the findings.

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