End Times True Believers Will Have 4 Signs, Pastor Says

by time news

2023-09-08 17:09:13

A series of sermons on eschatology was closed by pastor Greg Laurie with a list of four characteristics of the way of life of true believers in the face of the end times.

The leader of the megachurch Harvest Christian Fellowship pointed out that the way Christians should live their lives at the end of time differentiates them from the rest of the world. The series’ closing message highlighted that the world will get worse as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ approaches.

Greg Laurie drew a parallel between the end times and the days of Noah: “God revealed secrets to Noah,” he introduced, noting that Hebrews 11:7 says Noah was “divinely warned of things not yet seen.”

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“Christians know things the world does not know. People in today’s culture don’t understand why things are falling apart. They don’t understand why the government is expanding its control”, she contextualized.

Faced with these facts, people who don’t know the Bible are bewildered: “They don’t know why people are so depraved and do the horrible things they do. They don’t know why the culture is collapsing, but we do because we know we are living in the last days,” he added.

Then the pastor emphasized that “even the basic Christian knows more than some of the great intellects in the world right now” regarding the scenario, because believers know that “man is evil and God is good, and we know that judgment is coming to planet Earth.”

Fear and obedience

The second characteristic of true believers pointed out by Laurie is the reflection of the “great reverence for God” demonstrated by Noah, pointing out that Hebrews 11:7 says that Noah was “moved by the fear of God” to build the ark.

“We need to have this reverence too. We read the last page of the Bible. We won in the end. We know this from the pages of Scripture,” urged the pastor.

Walk with God

Laurie said the third characteristic of true believers is to echo Noah and “walk with God when no one else does,” referring to Genesis 6:9.

“We should all walk with God. To walk with God is to be in harmony with Him, to be in tune with Him. It is not to run ahead of Him; is not to get behind him. You are in God’s rhythm. Arrive on time for your meeting with God. Stay in sync with what the Lord is doing. When the Lord moves, you want to move with Him too. Noah walked with God,” he added.


The last characteristic of the way of life that the pastor listed as being a sign of perseverance in the face of the end times was being “a witness of God”, emphasizing in the sermon that believers are called to this, even if they do not reach as many people in their life. a testimony.

“Noah reached many people? In fact, he didn’t do that. Maybe you only reach a handful of people. Maybe it’s your son or your grandson. But Noé managed to talk to his family”, he pondered.

The pastor also highlighted that no matter how big or small the individual reach: “When we stand before God, He will not say to us, ‘Well done, good and successful servant.’ He will say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’ Whether you are a pastor of a large church or a pastor of a small church, what God demands of you is fidelity. Whatever He has called you to do, He wants you to be faithful. Our goal is not success; Our goal is loyalty. We leave success in God’s hands”, he concluded, according to information from the portal The Christian Post.

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