The sociologist Domenico De Masi dies –

by time news

2023-09-09 20:26:02

by Culture Editorial Staff

Inspirer of the citizen’s income, disappeared in Rome. The disease was discovered in August. He was 85 years old. The condolences of the political world

Farewell to the sociologist Domenico De Masi. The scholar died in Rome on Saturday 9 September. He was 85 years old. Last August 15th, by chance, he discovered that he had an invasive disease, while he was on holiday in Ravello. The doctors at the Gemelli hospital in Rome had told him that he would have little left to live.

De Masi was born in Rotello (Campobasso) on 1 February 1938. He was professor emeritus of Sociology of Work at the La Sapienza University of Rome, where he held the role of dean of the faculty of Communication Sciences. As a scholar, teacher, researcher and consultant, his interest has been in the sociology of work and organisations, post-industrial society, development and underdevelopment, urban systems, creativity, free time, methods and techniques of social research. with particular regard to forecasting investigations.

He had become close to the Five Star Movement and was a convinced supporter of the citizen’s income as well as flexible working. He considered the current Italian economic system inadequate to the needs of the post-industrial society, in particular the need to conduct an effective fight against poverty and precarious employment.

Numerous reactions from the political world to the news of De Masi’s passing. He was an extraordinary person to deal with, open and never banal, commented the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso: Respect for different ideas was never lacking. Stefano Patuanelli (M5S) entrusted his greeting to Twitter (X): Have a good trip Professor, you have been a precious guide and a precious friend. We will never forget you.

I express my personal and that of the Dem community’s deep condolences for the death of Domenico De Masi, wrote the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein in a note: With his studies on the sociology of work and his unconventional approach to the problems of post-industrial society he was able to offer ideas for debate and enrichment not only to politics but to the entire country.

The leader of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, recalled in a long post on Facebook: For me and the 5 Star Movement he was a sincere friend and a privileged interlocutor to discuss freely and question ourselves critically about our ideal horizon and our path politic. We join with his wife, her children and all her loved ones in this moment of great pain. Hi Dominic. We will always remember you with affection and admiration. In a tweet Beppe Grillo’s memory: A great sociologist has passed away, with an innate sense of humor, a very rare species. Many of us loved you. See you elsewhere, Domenico.

I am losing a great friend of mine and of Brazil: this is what we read in the note from Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, involved in the work of the G20 in New Delhi. Lula said he was surprised and saddened by the passing of my friend, whom I last met, less than three months ago, in Rome. He was, as always, lively, with intelligent analyzes and full of ideas and plans. De Masi, recalled Lula by publishing a photo on I will be eternally grateful to you for the visit you paid me when I was in prison in Curitiba. And then I was happy to be able to meet you again in your beloved Italy.

A well-known TV face, Domenico De Masi was the author of dozens of books, including Work in the XXI Century (Einaudi, 2018), Ozio Creativo (Rizzoli, 2000), Work for Free, Work Everyone. Why the future of the unemployed (Rizzoli, 2017) and Mappamundi. Life models for a society without orientation (Bur, 2014). Among his latest publications are La happiness negata (Einaudi, 2022), The Necessary State (Rizzoli, 2020) and Smart working. The intelligent work revolution (Marsilio, 2020).

September 9, 2023 (modified September 9, 2023 | 8:01 pm)

#sociologist #Domenico #Masi #dies

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