In Paris, the left goes almost united against the dispersed right

by time news

2023-09-10 08:06:24

The renewal of part of the hemicycle of the Palais du Luxembourg is approaching. In Paris, eight lists will compete in the senatorial elections on September 24 to fill the twelve seats in the capital, according to the Senate services’ compilation on Saturday.

During this election in the capital, the left hopes to strengthen its ranks. The right, for its part, goes there dispersed. Finally, the presidential camp seems weakened.

Yannick Jadot in the running

The list of “rally of the left”, resulting from “the elected Parisian majority of Anne Hidalgo”, according to its head of list the outgoing PS senator Rémi Féraud, includes in its ranks three deputies of the mayor in an eligible position – among the eight first places – as well as the former EELV candidate for the presidency of the Republic Yannick Jadot. “If out of the twelve senators from Paris the left and the ecologists send seven, eight, nine senators (…) there will be a united left” in the Senate, Anne Hidalgo, for her part, envisaged on Saturday.

With very little chance of attracting enough voters to have elected officials, LFI, in opposition to the Paris Council, presented its own list and a dissident environmentalist candidacy was also filed. This election also marks the renewal of the Parisian senatorial left. Historical figures, David Assouline, socialist senator since 2004, Marie-Noëlle Lienemann, former socialist elected since 2011 and Pierre Laurent, former secretary of the PCF and senator since 2012, are not running.

Ex-LR Pierre Charon presents his own list

On the right – three outgoing senators – the game is on the other hand closer. “Change Paris”, the list supported by LR and by the head of the opposition at Paris City Hall Rachida Dati, mayor of the 7th arrondissement, is hampered by internal divisions. Ex-LR senator Pierre Charon presented his own list and uncertainties remain about the extent of his support among major voters. Agnès Evren, vice-president of LR, MEP and councilor of Paris, also presented herself after internal disagreements.

Both can consider being elected. But the dispersion of major voters on the right raises the question of the number of seats that this camp as a whole and the list supported by Rachida Dati in particular will be able to obtain. This is led by senator LR Catherine Dumas, with at her side the mayor of the 16th arrondissement Francis Szpiner and Marie-Claire Carrère-Gée, councilor of Paris.

The presidential camp is for its part represented by Renaissance senator Julien Bargeton, whose re-election is not certain, in particular due to the number of lists submitted to the right and the center.

#Paris #left #united #dispersed

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