Immigration law: “Without foreign labor, sectors of activity cannot survive,” says Aurore Bergé

by time news

2023-09-10 18:38:19

Published on September 10, 2023 at 5:31 p.m. Updated on September 10, 2023 at 6:38 p.m.

Find a way through for the immigration bill, which, as it stands, makes the Republicans (LR) bristle. The equation looks complicated for the presidential camp. But “I am not sure that there is no possible compromise,” said Aurore Bergé, the Minister of Solidarity and Families, on Sunday during the political show Le Grand Rendez-Vous Europe 1 – CNews – “Les Echos”. Article 3, which provides for the conditional issuance of a residence permit for undocumented workers in “jobs in shortage”, still constitutes a red line for LR, with Eric Ciotti’s party seeing it as a call for call for illegal immigration.

Examination of the bill in session in the Senate is announced for this fall and not before next year in the National Assembly. “The text can be definitively adopted in the Senate while keeping a measure on the question of the possibility of regularization […] of those who work and who are integrated into the republican values ​​​​that are ours”, wants to believe Aurore Bergé. She recalls that the provision on professions in shortage was not withdrawn after its passage in the law committee in the Senate.

Large groups of private nurseries convened

According to her, it is a question of “realism, pragmatism and efficiency”. “Without foreign labor, there are sectors of activity that do not hold up,” said the woman who chaired the Renaissance group in the Assembly before her entry into government last July. “Business leaders and presidents of large professional federations are instead asking for such a measure,” she insisted.

“Is it just a question of posture which is in principle that whatever the type of immigration, less is needed? she wondered about LR’s position. “Or can we be a little more honest and say to ourselves that depending on the type of immigration, there is immigration that must be drastically reduced and work immigration,” she said. declared. The subject is in any case likely to animate the respective parliamentary days of Renaissance and LR which are both being held this week.

Aurore Bergé also announced that she was going to summon to her office “as early as next week” the four large groups of private nurseries implicated in two investigative books released in recent days. After the revelations of these works on insufficient meals, rationing of diapers or too few staff in particular, “I want to understand what happened and I especially want to have their commitments,” explained the minister. She reaffirmed the government’s desire to “change the law” to be able to make controls at the headquarters of these companies possible.

She will also bring together in the coming days “all the prefects who act in the departments by asking them to cross-reference all the data that is available to the departments and the State because when you cross-reference the data from the labor inspection , health safety, food safety, PMI, you identify fairly quickly if there are establishments at risk.” Enough to allow “very targeted and very fast” controls. “If some [établissements, NDLR] do not respect the safety of our children, then they will have to be closed,” warned the minister, specifying that checks will take place “everywhere”, including in public nurseries.

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