Kouyaté, Bah Oury and Co. note several failings and write to the head of the junta – Aminata.com News in Guinea and around the world

by time news

2023-08-30 18:43:00



The day after September 5, 2021, the CNRD initiated several actions which led to the establishment of the government, the installation of the National Transition Council (CNT), the organization of the National Conferences and the institutionalization of the inter-Guinean inclusive dialogue framework.

As such, forty organizations from political coalitions and civil society umbrella groups were invited by the government to participate in this dialogue to define the contours of the transition. Out of patriotism, thirty-seven (37) organizations have agreed to support the CNRD and the government for a peaceful and successful transition.

At the end of this dialogue, thirty-five (35) Resolutions were adopted by all the participants. An official handover ceremony to the President of the Transition was organized on December 21, 2022. This is how the President of the Transition issued a decree to create the permanent national committee for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Resolutions from the framework of inclusive inter-Guinean dialogue, the technical secretariat and the extension commission.

In March 2023, these various entities took action to implement the Resolutions of the said framework.


Despite multiple efforts by all stakeholders, the signatories of this memorandum note:

The lack of visibility in the general conduct of the transition; The lack of periodic consultation between the CNRD, the government, leaders of political coalitions and civil society groups who took part in the inter-Guinean inclusive dialogue framework; The delay in the start of the Administrative Census Program for Civil Status (RAVEC); The unjustified cost for the implementation of the 10 stages of the Transition which could be a blocking factor for the normal course of activities with a view to returning to constitutional order.

In view of the aforementioned findings and in order to avoid possible tensions in our country due to non-compliance with the timetable defined for the return to constitutional order, we, the signatory leaders of this memorandum, have deemed it necessary to come together to stimulate a dynamic of reflection and proposal of solutions for a better finalization of the Transition.

It is for this reason that on July 14, 2023, a meeting at the request of the presidents of the political coalitions took place with the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization (MATD). It should be remembered that the MATD had promised such a meeting which did not take place long after the meeting at the Kaloum Hotel, on April 20, 2023.

During this meeting, the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization distributed a document summarizing the estimated costs totaling nearly six thousand billion Guinean Francs (Six hundred million dollars USD) for the implementation of the ten (10) points of the timetable for the return to constitutional order in accordance with the framework agreement concluded between Guinea and ECOWAS. In addition, this agreement stipulates that the duration of the transition is set at 24 months, starting January 1, 2023, to implement these steps.

During his preliminary introduction, Minister Mory CONDÉ indicated that the government has mobilized, from the national budget, five hundred and fifty billion (550,000,000,000) Guinean Francs for 2023. He thus underlined that the financing of the fourth General Census of Population and Housing (RGPH4) is completed. However, a financing gap of the order of two thousand billion (2,000,000,000,000) Guinean Francs (200 million USD) remains to be filled for the year 2023. This amount is intended to finance the Administrative Census for the purpose of Civil Status (RAVEC) and the establishment of the electoral register. However, these two steps are essential to confidently envisage the successful completion of the electoral processes. Furthermore, the estimated cost of the legislative work is of the order of one thousand two hundred billion (1,200,000,000,000) Guinean Francs. This mainly involves the development and popularization of the new Constitution, the organization of the referendum vote and the development of organic law texts. Finally, the organization of municipal, legislative and presidential elections requires funding of at least one thousand five hundred billion (1,500,000,000,000) Guinean Francs.

Furthermore, another meeting between political leaders and umbrella groups of civil society, held on August 5, 2023 at the Kaloum Hotel, made it possible to carry out a summary analysis of this document, of course raising many questions which deserve to be clarified in order to establish its reliability and consistency. This exercise is necessary in order to assess with more realism and transparency the irreducible financing needs to achieve a return to constitutional order within the contractually established deadlines. The government argues that when signing the “dynamic agreement between Guinea and ECOWAS”, the regional organization had promised to mobilize the international community in order to obtain the financial support requested by Guinea for the implementation of the 10 points of the chronogram. To date, according to government authorities, the reaction of the international community has been slow in providing additional funds for the completion of the proposed budget. Thus, it is imperative to find alternative solutions so that the weak responsiveness of the international community cannot dangerously impact the evolution of the Guinean Transition.

This worrying situation already requires the setting up of an ad-hoc commission in relation with the government. This commission must be equipped with the competence, rigor, and political will to explore new avenues likely to be able to collect the amount allowing the financing of the process leading to the elections on the date indicated. This forward-looking and constructive approach is urgent to enable us to assume our responsibility towards the interests of our people and our country.

Furthermore, we noted that the Government has put forward two working hypotheses to consider increasing the number of deputies in the future assembly:

H1: the transition from 114 to 200 deputies
• H2: the transition from 200 to 300 deputies

In this regard, it must be remembered that the consolidated results of RGPH4 allowing precise knowledge of the demographic and population data of our country will only be available in the middle of 2025. This excludes in advance the possibility of their exploitation in the framework of the redistribution of current electoral constituencies to serve during the year 2024, the organization of the legislative elections of the Transition. In addition, the excessive increase in members of the national assembly will be judged negatively by the national community due to the increased budgetary burden for our country that this generates in a context where the population is confronted with daily difficulties. subsistence. Likewise, the restructuring of the territorial organization must be done taking into account objective, rational parameters and devoid of any partisan calculations.

Consequently, the reorganization of the administrative division of the territory could be one of the future post-transition projects. The upcoming elections should only take into account the 33 prefectures and the 6 communes of Conakry.

Furthermore, the hypotheses envisaged for the presidential election concern the participation of our nationals residing abroad. It must be emphasized that this important fraction of the national community has in the past been victims of ostracism and marginalization. The CNRD Transition authorities have shown real political will to involve it and increase its involvement in public policies. This approach of unity and equity must also be required for the full enjoyment of the right to vote for Guinean nationals living abroad. Therefore, government authorities must integrate the Guinean diaspora without restriction into electoral processes, because voting is not a privilege but a right for all citizens of the Republic of Guinea.
By way of conclusion, we ask the authorities of our country to take into account the urgency and importance of organizing consultation with the presidents of political coalitions and civil society umbrella groups in order to pave the way for us. allowing us to provide realistic and constructive solutions for a concerted and peaceful Transition. Indeed, coming together around national priorities will allow us collectively to give the Transition a chance of success.

The world is watching us and measuring our collective capacity to have the patriotic surge essential to build peace, stability and democracy in our country. By moving in this direction, we will have the respect and consideration of national and international opinion. Only then will the international community effectively mobilize to provide Guinea with the necessary technical and financial assistance. We renew our confidence in the President of the Transition and the CNRD for their firm commitment to respecting the transition timetable and having reaffirmed it on numerous occasions.

Thanking you for your kind attention, we ask you to accept, Excellency Mr President of the Transition, Head of State, Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, the expression of our very highest consideration.

Conakry, August 16, 2023

The Conference of Political and Coalition Coalitions (CCPF

#Kouyaté #Bah #Oury #note #failings #write #junta #Aminata.com #News #Guinea #world

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