In the dress on the excavator

by time news

2023-09-10 19:06:28

In a lemon-yellow silk dress, the woman sits in the excavator’s cab with a boy on her lap, who is her son. Again and again she lets the excavator shovel crash into the ground, directly onto the foundation stone of a new church that has just been ceremoniously laid. The two laugh.

The new short film in the Miu Miu Women’s Tales series is the moral sketch of a conservative Croatian immigrant family that became wealthy in the USA with a construction company. Marriage is sacred to parents. Now daughter Stane is supposed to take over the company, which will be celebrated in a clan-like event with a stage program.

The catch: Stane’s husband is cheating – with a dancer who, to make matters worse, is performing at the party. The son-in-law’s faux pas is supposed to be covered up, the parents are putting pressure on him: Stane is supposed to act like the happy wife in front of the guests. But it becomes a spoilsport, the excavator shovel becomes a weapon in the liberation ritual.

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The fascinating thing about the films in the Miu Miu short film series is not just the reliably good selection of contributions. It is also the luxury fashion from the It brand Miu Miu that the female protagonists are dressed in. The apparent contrast between superficial beauty and deep emotions is united in the actresses wearing oversized coats, embroidered cardigans or yellow silk dresses. The film “Stane,” named after the main character, also manages to convey social criticism in a way that is both aesthetically and intellectually credible.

“Stane is surrounded by men – in a world in which she both hides and reveals herself,” says director Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović about the main character’s interaction with the costume. “It’s a male world and Stane uses her strengths, which have both male and female connotations. The sensuality in costume and story screams in the moments when you try to suppress it.”

“Don’t fuck around,” the mother tells her daughter. And that even though it was actually the son-in-law who messed up.Miu Miu

There aren’t many words in the film; looks and gestures lead through the story. And even though Kusijanović’s film is about Stane’s liberation from the humiliation caused by her husband’s cheating, watching it also raises the question of whether anyone would have to deal with the destructive energy of conservative vows of loyalty.

In any case, the beautiful yellow dress that Stane wears in the film now has the status of a uniform of deliverance from his parents’ grasp. Everyone can decide for themselves whether 3200 euros is too much for that.

The twenty-minute short film “Stane” by award-winning director Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović is the 26th entry in the Miu Miu Women’s Tales series. It premiered on September 3rd at the Venice Film Festival. Miu Miu Women’s Tales was launched by Miuccia Prada, and an article has been published twice a year since 2011. In the future, there will be a committee to further develop the series and give it more visibility, according to a recent press release. The founding members Miuccia Prada and Verde Visconti are also members of the committee.

Under this link You will find all the films that have appeared in the “Miu Miu Women’s Tales” series so far.

#dress #excavator

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