María Teresa Quidiello High School is overcrowded

by time news

2023-09-10 23:51:23

In it Lyceum María Teresa Quidiello, the school year began with the division of the courses, to be able to teach, due to the overcrowding registered by the center located in the La Ciénaga community at kilometer 14 of the Duarte Highway, Santo Domingo Oeste.

A statement from the Management Team of the educational center, addressed to parents, explains that strategic measures were taken so that a part of the students take face-to-face classes and the others virtually.

“Overcrowding somewhat complicates the healthy coexistence that we aspire to provide to our educational community and therefore a calendar will be implemented for student attendance according to the order numbers in each course” expresses the circular of the authorities of the Lyceum María Teresa Quidiello.

The Vice Minister of Technical and Pedagogical Affairs of the Ministry of EducationAncell Scheker, confirmed the situation to Diario Libre and explained that new classrooms are being set up to deal with the situation.

These classrooms would be ready in 10 days, so the division of students for each course will continue to be implemented so that classes are not lost.

As every year there is a greater demand from parents who want to enroll their children in specific schools and close to their communities.

This year the Ministry of Education created the School Place Request Attention Center (CASCE), to “provide a solution to parents or guardians of children when applying for a school place due to the difficulty of enrolling their children in an educational center due to lack of space.

Minerd also put out to tender about 400 mobile classrooms to meet the demand for spaces in the areas with the largest student population and, thus, anticipate the deficit that was registered at the beginning of last school year and that forced the use of private centers.

Journalist with extensive experience in investigation.

#María #Teresa #Quidiello #High #School #overcrowded

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