911 Anniversary: Moments of Silence and Reading of Names in New York

by time news

Title: Americans Commemorate 9/11 with Moments of Silence and Tributes; Trump’s Controversial Remarks Recalled

Date: September 11, 2024

In a somber display of remembrance, Americans across the country marked the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks with moments of silence and ceremonies honoring the victims. The day was filled with poignant tributes and reflections on the horror and lasting impact of that tragic day.

At ground zero in New York, bells tolled as the names of the nearly 3,000 victims were read out loud. Americans from all walks of life paid their respects, joining together to remember the lives lost and the bravery shown by the first responders. The nation united in shared grief and resolve, vowing to never forget.

Amid the commemorative events, political figures also took the opportunity to honor the heroes of 9/11. One such figure was former President Donald Trump, who released a video on his Truth Social account expressing his condolences. He said, “God bless the memory of all those who perished in the 9/11 attacks. We will never ever forget.”

However, some opponents of Trump seized the occasion to recall his controversial remarks made on September 11, 2001. A video circulated on social media showed Trump boasting about one of his buildings becoming the tallest in the area following the collapse of the Twin Towers. This prompted critics to question his initial reaction to the tragedy, drawing attention to how he saw an opportunity for personal gain.

Reposting the video on the X social media site, the organization Republicans against Trump stated, “Never forget that Donald Trump’s initial reaction to 9/11 was to boast that after the towers fell he suddenly owned the tallest building in downtown Manhattan.”

Meanwhile, 2024 presidential candidates from both parties joined in honoring the victims and expressing their commitment to preventing such atrocities from happening again. President Joe Biden, along with several Republican candidates, used their social media platforms to pay tribute to the lives lost and the resilience of the American people.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis tweeted, “Twenty-two years ago, nineteen terrorists took 2,977 innocent lives in the deadliest attack against America in our history. We will never forget.” Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley emphasized the importance of passing on the memory of 9/11 to the younger generation, reminding them of the reality of evil in the world.

Former Vice President Mike Pence tweeted, “As long as this Nation endures, Americans will forever be inspired by the faithful, courageous actions of the heroes from 9/11/01, and we will never forget or fail to honor their memory.” Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie shared a personal connection to the day, as his wife and brother were in close proximity to Ground Zero on September 10, 2001.

Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy recounted his experience as a high school student witnessing the devastating events unfold. He praised the heroism of the firefighters, police officers, and first responders who selflessly risked their lives to help their fellow Americans in need.

On the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, the nation came together to remember the victims and honor the heroes. While the country united in mourning, some inevitably revived Trump’s controversial remarks from that fateful day, reminding the public that the scars of 9/11, both physical and emotional, are still present.

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