5 behaviors that damage the love of a couple

by time news

2023-09-11 20:00:35

You and your partner deserve to have a relationship that grows and strengthens over time. We invite you to know five things that damage love and thus reduce the chances of a separation.

Last update: September 11, 2023

A loving relationship is a source of great pleasure and satisfaction.. However, throughout the union, arguments often occur that cause stress, anguish and even trauma, because things happen that damage love. Human beings when we are in a relationship, we assume behaviors that manage to cause distancing or rupture.

The stress that we suffer individually could affect our relationship, by feeling misunderstood in everyday situations, violating our physical and psychological health. It is important to try to understand our partner’s feelings in order to resolve differences of opinion.

How do bad attitudes deteriorate relationships?

A relationship is a sentimental bond that unites human beings, because it creates an emotional, affective and intimate connection with commitment and mutual support. People share their life, experiences, dreams and goals, through living together and united in courtship or marriage.

The behavior of individuals when they live as a couple refers to the actions, attitudes and behaviors that each one assumes in the relationship. This way of acting includes love, respect, trust and empathy.

However, many times we live negative moments. A good relationship contributes to our emotional and psychological health, because it influences our satisfaction, stability and well-being.

Aspects that damage love

Human beings when we live as a couple make mistakes that deteriorate our relationship. Little communication, lack of respect, commitment, empathy and little emotional support are things that damage love, as well as the following behaviors:

1. Abuse

Abuse in a relationship can cause significant emotional, psychological and physical damage. This situation deteriorates trust and mutual respect in the relationship, creating a toxic and destructive environment.

An example of verbal and emotional abuse is when he criticizes the way you cook or dress to go to work. Another way is when they prohibit you from going out with your family, friends or co-workers. We are facing manipulation, excessive control, intimidation and contempt. This attitude affects your partner’s self-esteem, and can cause anxiety and depression.

The person who assaults you can tell you: “You don’t know anything about what you are saying!”, or “Shut up!”. Physical attacks also occur with attitudes such as closing a door or hiding your keys, including threats to you and your loved ones.

2. Lack of understanding

Another of the things that damage love is misunderstanding. In our daily lives we can feel left behind, generating misunderstandings and conflicts, since we believe that our concerns or perspectives are not well understood.

Some couples live in constant discussions due to disagreements, coming to doubt their sincerity and their commitment. We can feel it when we come home from our activities on the street and believe that we are not receiving support with housework or raising our children.

To prevent misunderstanding from damaging our relationship, it is essential to encourage open and honest communication, practice empathy, trying to understand the emotions and feelings of the other.

3. Disunity

If disunity settles in a relationship, communication is affected. Couples may have difficulty expressing their opinions and needs effectively, leading to misunderstandings and resentments.

Sometimes, disunity can affect the physical and emotional intimacy in a relationship. A sample is when each member of the couple makes important decisions individually. Partners may experience a decrease in sexual intimacy and a lack of intimate connection, due to a lack of emotional closeness.

4. Little emotional expression

When you don’t share your experiences or feelings, you are causing a communication problem. The lack of emotional expression in a relationship can have a negative impact in several aspects.

Emotional expression is essential to establishing and maintaining a solid emotional connection. When there is little, couples can feel distant and disconnected, generating a feeling of loneliness and frustration.

Show your affection by making your partner feel loved with small details, such as preparing a dinner to talk about the day’s experiences or making plans for the weekend.

5. Distrust

Mistrust creates barriers in communication, because it can cause information to be hidden or conversations to be avoided, making emotional connection difficult.

The couple may feel doubts and suspicions about each other’s actions and motives. This can generate an environment of tension and stress that often does not tend to be dealt with as a couple. It is highly important that this point be addressed when many situations of unfounded jealousy or misunderstandings arise from it that tend to damage the relationship.

Take care of your partner

Relationships are united by a wonderful feeling that can bring joy and happiness to our lives. However, there are things that damage love, making it vulnerable. One of the main behaviors that can deteriorate it is abuse, disunity, misunderstanding and lack of expressive capacity. Therefore, we must learn to communicate assertively with our partner.

Selfishness and lack of commitment deteriorate our affections, since we only worry about our own needs. But by improving our behavior, we can strengthen our relationship. Together you can strengthen your love!

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