These are the aesthetic surgeries that are increasing in Spain and those that are declining

by time news

2023-09-11 18:13:26

Breast augmentation with an implant is, “by far”, the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery in Spain in private healthcare, as stated in the report ‘The reality of cosmetic surgery in Spain in 2022’, presented this Monday by the Spanish Society of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (SECPRE), which on the contrary indicates a decrease in liposuctions and an increase in blepharoplasties.

The surgery that is performed the most in Spain

In relation to breast surgery, which occupies 50 percent of the total interventions, the number of breast reduction interventions has also increased, an operation that, although in certain cases covered by the National Health System, is finding a response in the private sector, since the requirements considered by social security to approve a surgery of this type are “very tough,” according to specialist José María Picó Álvarez.

“The oversaturation of the health system means that breast reduction consultations have increased. Patients who have been waiting for four years go to the private one,” he expressed.

In this area, the specialist has also mentioned the “significant” increase in the volume of work in secondary breast surgery, a type of intervention that is going to be established “clearly”, taking into account that “breast prostheses have no infinite duration, and that in the last 10 years revisions and replacements have become widespread”.

Liposuctions and blepharoplasties

Likewise, the report reports a decrease in liposuctions and an increase in blepharoplasties, until it becomes the second most requested type of intervention. Blepharoplasty (removal of excess skin from the eyelids) is one of the types of intervention, along with rhinoplasty (nose correction), that has increased the most with the use of masks, since the postoperative period during the pandemic It was “more bearable, without having to give explanations.”

On the other hand, facial lifting is the intervention that, in the opinion of specialists, is most in decline, ahead of liposuction. Regarding the latter, they have highlighted that, although the number of interventions has increased, the trend is decreasing and less than years ago, especially for those with conventional aspiration. However, an increase is expected with the introduction of new techniques and technologies in the operating room, such as the use of ultrasound.

Regarding body surgery, the most requested operations are abdominoplasty, buttock augmentation, arm lifts, thigh lifts and genital surgery.

Strong growth compared to 2014

The volume of cosmetic surgery interventions in Spain has increased by 215 percent compared to the study carried out in 2014, slightly exceeding 200,000 interventions in 2021. “The evolution has always been positive, with a growth of 18-20 percent annually,” Picó added.

In terms of gender, women account for 85 percent of the cosmetic surgery interventions performed in Spain, a figure slightly lower than in 2013. Men have increased three percentage points compared to the previous study, describing a higher growth and reaching 15 percent. If the most common intervention in them is breast surgery, they include blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty and gynecomastia (breast reduction performed on men).

Regarding age, more than 90 percent of cosmetic surgery interventions are concentrated between 18 and 60 years of age, with a minority occurring after 60 years of age and especially under 18.

The majority age group, from 18 to 44 years

The ages in which the greatest number of cosmetic surgery interventions are concentrated ranges from 18 to 44 years, with breast implants being the most frequent, and somewhat less, but with a significant number, between 45-60 years. -most of them, blepharoplasties-. Above 60 and, above all, below 18, there is much less volume of cosmetic surgery interventions. Specifically, the type of intervention most in demand among those under 18 is otoplasty (ear correction).

As for future trends, there is consensus among specialists that increasingly “less invasive and safer” procedures will be performed, according to the document.

The risk of work intrusion

Asked about work intrusion, 82 percent of plastic surgeons believe that intrusion has increased in recent years and 18 percent consider that it remains stable. On the other hand, no one perceives that it has decreased.

According to the data presented in the report, the main evidence of a certain intrusion is the frequency with which doctors who did not pass the specialty of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery through the MIR, accompany their credentials with supposed specialties or master’s degrees that qualify them. as cosmetic surgeons, cosmetic surgeons or other ambiguous designations, “that confuse the public.”

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