For Aurélien Pradié, LR must consider a motion of censure on the budget or immigration

by time news

2023-09-12 03:03:03

Elisabeth Borne’s policy is once again in Aurélien Pradié’s sights. The Les Républicains MP calls on his political family to “seriously” consider a motion of censure against the government to defend its positions on subjects such as the budget or immigration, in an interview Monday evening with the newspaper The Parisian.

“You don’t engage in a showdown with foam arms. Especially on essential subjects such as the budget and immigration,” explains the MP for Lot, who recalls that his party had “affirmed that we would be intractable on taxes as well as on immigration.” For him, “on such subjects, the motion of censure must be very seriously considered” because “the French would not understand that we were softening”.

The “red line” of tax increases

Concerning the budget, he emphasizes that the right has been calling for a fiscal shock for years and “denounces the unbearable bludgeoning which targets the French. The increase in household taxation, direct or indirect, is a red line.”

Judging that the “political credibility” of the Republicans is “at stake”, Aurélien Pradié considers that “any collusion with Emmanuel Macron feeds the radicalism of Le Pen and Mélenchon. Faced with Macron, only one possible path: hold on,” continues the man who was the leader of the protest against pension reform among Les Républicains.

While the LR deputies meet this Tuesday, September 12 in Saint-Malo, the deputy therefore pleads for his political family to be “uncompromising vis-à-vis Emmanuel Macron” and “assume being in the opposition”. “Some of my friends got it into their heads that we could become, at LR, the electoral heirs of Emmanuel Macron. This is a mistake and a dead end. There will always be better heirs to macronism than us,” he analyzes.

Marleix on the same line on immigration

For his part, the president of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix joins him on immigration, explaining in an interview with Figaro that, on this subject, “the French would not stand for us to pretend. This would open a boulevard to Ms. Le Pen.” Explaining that he has repeated for a year to the Prime Minister that he would not hesitate to table a motion of censure “on a text that is lax on the subject”, he insists: “Today, I say it again”.

On the budget, on the other hand, Olivier Marleix specifies that the motion of censure “is neither a totem of virility nor a taboo”, criticizing the “hypocrisy” of Marine Le Pen, who says she does not want to “block the institutions” , while voting on 10 motions of censure in one year “in a Pavlovian way” and “arm in arm with LFI”. “At LR we are consistent and responsible,” he adds, but “on the budget, we will have fights”, particularly on energy prices.

#Aurélien #Pradié #motion #censure #budget #immigration

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