unions and employers open last chance negotiations

by time news

2023-09-12 10:35:03

Will the social partners manage to restore their rank? Tuesday September 12, they were to begin negotiations on unemployment insurance in order to define new compensation rules, those currently in force expiring on December 31. Employee and employer organizations thus find themselves in a position to create the standards of the regime. This is their role in ordinary times, but failing to reach an agreement in 2019, the executive took their place and pushed through its reforms through a series of decrees. The unions and employers are therefore regaining control, while having to place their discussions within a perimeter restricted by the framework letter that Matignon sent them at the beginning of August.

This guidance document offers little room for maneuver to the social partners. They are first asked not to touch the achievements of the decrees, taken from 2019 to this year, which put in place rules that the unions fought: longer contribution period to open rights, change in the calculation of the allowance which reduces its monthly amount for those who have accumulated short contracts, degression for job seekers who received high salaries when they were active, reduction in the duration of compensation when the labor market is doing well (depending on the principle said to “countercyclicality”), etc.

“We won’t solve everything now”

The unions and employers, who manage the system through the joint association Unédic, are also asked to participate in financing policies in favor of employment and training, particularly in the context of the creation of the new public service of employment France Travail. The State plans to extract 12 billion euros from them, between 2023 and 2026, by taking advantage of the surpluses that Unédic has generated since 2022 (after thirteen years of deficit).

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Unemployment insurance: the government imposes a strict framework for negotiations

Faced with so many injunctions from those in power, there is a great risk that the talks will collapse – as in 2019. “There is a 10% chance of reaching a deal”, prophesies Jean-François Foucard, national secretary of the CFE-CGC. The confederal secretary of the CFTC, Eric Courpotin, adds: “The State is pushing us towards an admission of failure, we feel that it wants to keep its hold on the regime. » If no common ground was found, joint management at Unédic could have difficulty recovering.

However, the protagonists do not leave beaten. “Our wish is to sign an agreement likely to preserve parity at Unédic”confides Michel Beaugas, confederal secretary of Force Ouvrière, before specifying: “But not at any cost. » Vice-president of the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises, Eric Chevée believes that “this will not be a last-ditch negotiation because we will not resolve everything now” – an allusion, in particular, to the question of senior employment, which must be the subject of another cycle of reflection between unions and employers.

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