Statement of the National Council on Torture

by time news

2023-09-12 11:32:58

Cases of administrative violence and torture against citizens have increased again in Azerbaijan. According to the latest information made public in this regard:

Religious prisoner Jeyhun Balashov was tortured and sentenced to a wheelchair by electric current. Jeyhun Balashov said:

“As soon as I attached the device to my back, I lost consciousness due to the strength of the current and the intensity of the pain…” Jeyhun Balashov cannot move freely at the moment…

Agali Yahyayev, a member of the Management Board of the Muslim Union Movement, was subjected to terrible torture. He could not bear the severity of torture and committed crimes he did not commit. He told this to his sister in a telephone conversation. Telman, the elder of Khojahasan settlement, was arrested on drug charges, but it became clear in the court that he was slandered and even threatened with sexual violence in the police station in order for him to accept the false accusation.

By the way, many of the recently tortured people also report being threatened with sexual violence by the police.
During all the years of the Aliyevs’ rule in Azerbaijan, administrative violence and torture were used. Ilham Aliyev did not hesitate to torture even the leaders of the political opposition and civil society. Ali Karimli, chairman of the National Council Coordination Center and Musavat party Tofig Yagublu, late member of the National Council KM Ibrahim Ibrahimli, party functionaries Fuad Kahramanli, Agil Maharramli, Babek Hasanov, Niyamaddin Ahmadov, Alizamin Salayev, social activists Bakhtiyar Hajiyev, Mehman Huseynov and many others, a total of 100 people, were severely tortured at various times and conditions. The terrible tortures inflicted on the soldiers during the events of Nardaran and Ganja, the massive torture of the soldiers in Tartar, as well as the extreme police violence against the residents who protested due to environmental problems in the village of Soyudlu in Gadabay should be mentioned separately.

The listed facts show that administrative violence and torture have become state policy in the country. It is no coincidence that the repeated trials of the “Tarter case” mainly punished the perpetrators of torture and served to avoid responsibility for those who ordered and led the torture. Or, it became clear these days that the Salyan district court was satisfied with merely fining Major of Justice Humbat Mammadov, who caused the death of Karabakh veteran Subhan Agayev, who was sentenced to unimaginable tortures in prison No. 5.

Recently, the re-intensification of torture at the level of state bodies shows that Ilham Aliyev’s government is not going to stop using this anti-human, illegal act as a management tool.

First of all, the National Council calls on the international community and the democratic community of the world to take a strong position against the transformation of torture into a state policy in Azerbaijan.

The people of Azerbaijan reject the mechanism of torture in the country, its orderers and executors, and want the authorities to put an end to this anti-human treatment. However, the repressive environment established in the country does not allow this public position to be expressed massively and openly. The National Council declares that it will continue its struggle against the anti-democratic, anti-people, and anti-human activities of Ilham Aliyev’s government despite all the difficulties, persecutions and pressures it faces.

The National Council calls on the people of Azerbaijan to support it more massively and more courageously in this struggle. Our people should not come to terms with the current situation, and should not allow Ilham Aliyev’s rule to drag the country into disasters for a longer period of time.

#Statement #National #Council #Torture

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