Asi helped and the sexual harassment The game is addictive: in a few days we will all be forgotten

by time news

Of the many reality shows that are in Israeli prime time, “Ninja Israel” is the only show I am willing to bring home to me. She is well made, Niv Raskin and Jordan Jerby add a professional aura to her, the contestants present superhuman talent and the competition is well-stretched and well-constructed. All the immense editing talent there is in the Keshet building at Ramat Hachayal drains into a small moment, where some topless Adonis tries to climb an engineering structure, designed by professional sadists, and manages to fall just a fraction of a second before breaking another Hercules record. Net entertainment level: This is probably the best television that can be seen on commercial channels in Israel. It’s a little sad, a little much, but that’s what it’s.

Disclosure: This was the first time I saw “Ninja Israel” next to the original broadcast time. Most of the time I watch the show on delayed viewing or on VOD, run the long commercials and also skip the unnecessary link sections of Asi Ezer and Rotem Sela. The truth is, the “action” in the show can be summed up in about ten net minutes. maximum.

Until this week I was sure that most viewers in the sane part of the people of Israel do as I do, but I found that people really like everything around the action, and especially the episodes of Asi and Rotem. In my life. They probably love these parts so much that there is no way anyone is going to have any discussion that would consider re-editing these passages or reducing their attendance, even if they air three days after the publication of an investigation that raises very big question marks, to say the least, about one The program’s dedicated facilitator.

Ninja Israel (Photo: Pini Silok)
  • The truth about the three “investigations” on Justice Minister Gideon Saar

Asi Ezer smiled last night, as usual, on the biggest stage that Israeli television has to offer. The only surprising thing about it is that there are people who have been surprised by it. Following the publication of the investigation into Ezer’s case, Request 12 announced that they were “investigating” the matter. A nice way to say they’re just waiting for time to pass and some other news will grab the headlines and we’ll all forget what Assi Ezer did or did not do. This is a method that has worked for them in the past. The sexual harassment closet of Rainbow Broadcasting is filled with quite a few skeletons. There were complaints about the president and founder of the company, through vice presidents, senior editors to big talents as well as small ones. Asked the people who make “Israel TV.”

It was also a low point for the company’s news company, which boasts a “Chinese wall” between it and the parent channel’s decisions, but in the moment of truth knew how to almost completely ignore Sagi Ben – Nun’s shaky investigation in Walla! Culture, and finally settled for a short polo-up that managed to erase the complainant’s harsh allegations. Last night, Dana Weiss aired the broadcast to Asi and Rotem as if things had never been the case. The latter transferred the broadcast to advertisements, which opened directly with an advertisement by Asi himself for an insurance company. I wonder how much they secured the contract with their talent.

The exchanges between Rotem and Assi, which were probably recorded long before the affair exploded, were even more difficult to watch than usual. When Assi rejoices over a contestant in a program that exhibits “excellent values,” it is hard not to wonder if it is really the time to present Asi Ezer as a qualified factor for values. As their kosher thanks Assi for streaming with her on some segment, he tells her “I’m backing you up.” Ironic in light of the fact that for several days now the people of Israel have been waiting for the backing of Rotem Sela for her good friend. By the way, the accusations against Azer are serious and disturbing, but the expectation from Rotem Sela to shake it off as if the companies have no value is no less repulsive. Rotem Sela’s right to support her friend, her right to remain silent as well. The choice of the media to mark her as in charge of auxiliary is foolish at best, and criminal at worst.

Ninja Israel (Photo: Screenshot)Ninja Israel (Photo: Screenshot)

Meanwhile, the hourglass is ticking. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, even before the sun goes down, Yehuda Nahari’s brave testimony about what he went through in Asi Ezer’s house a decade ago will be completely forgotten by the general public. Nahari’s own name will be pushed into the abyss of oblivion. It is likely, and I wish I was wrong, that Nahari would suddenly stop accepting roles. Not blatantly. No one will tell him he does not want to work with him. He will come to the auditions, give him a chance, and then they will choose someone else. Anyone who was less than three years ago a candidate for the Ophir Award for his mesmerizing role as Kigal Amir in “Terrible Days” will not be able to find a serious job in the field in which he excels so much.

He would have no way of proving that it was because he chose to be interviewed with an open face, and recounted how Asi Ezer allegedly pulled his penis out of his face during a professional meeting. Again, I wish I was wrong. An artist I’m wrong. But unfortunately, from getting to know the way the business works here, I’m probably not wrong. I’m sure Yehuda Nahari knows this, and he knew it when he chose to be exposed in front of Walla’s cameras. This is by the way what makes his testimony so strong. His personal interest was to continue to restrain the story and not reveal it. Nothing good can come from pointing arrows at one of the most powerful people in the industry. Who does such things? Yehuda Nahari knew that his truth might come back to him like a boomerang, and he chose to reveal himself nonetheless. It was so important to him, and he explained it in a reasoned and inspiring way. This is what makes it all brave, and so reliable.

Yehuda Nahari Halevi, Yehuda Nahari Halevi, “Terrible Days” (Photo: Courtesy of United King)

Unless more brave people like Yehuda Nahari rise up, the one who allegedly attacked him will actually remain a superstar. Beloved by the people, embraced by the brass, and fortified by the powerful media body in Israel. It is possible, by the way, that precisely this method does injustice to Asi Ezer. It is possible that Ezer’s side of the story would have added some layer that we did not think about regarding the investigation. I was happy to hear his side of the story, not just because of journalistic curiosity but because it’s the human thing to do. Yehuda Nahari revealed his guts, Asi Ezer was forced to wear another protective layer. Not sure that’s what he really wanted to do. This is an unfair battle.

The game is pre-addicted, and has no winners. In a day, a roof two days, we forget that someone claimed something against someone. This is the maximum duration of such knowledge in the local News-Cycle. Barbash will scare us from which new variant of the Corona, which MK from the opposition will throw a non-kosher cabanos at the prime minister or that Noa Kirl will launch a new member – and most of us will forget that someone claimed that Assi Ezer pulled out what he pulled out.

The few who would like to hear Ezer’s side on the matter will have to settle for his laconic response to the inquiry, which is a shame. In the meantime, just before we get back to being impressed (and rightly so) by the huge achievement of climbing the “Mega Wall” on the “Ninja Israel” track, it is also worth stopping and remembering what was revealed in “Mega Research” about the show’s star, and especially not forgetting the brave man Who chose to be exposed against every human instinct.


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