FAE kicks off a new edition of its Accelera Pyme Office

by time news

2023-09-12 12:53:13

The general secretary of the Confederation of Business Associations of Burgos (FAE), Emiliana Molero, and the subdelegate of the Government in Burgos, Pedro Luis dela Fuente, have officially inaugurated this morning the second edition of the Acelera Pyme Office (OAP) led by FAE.

The inauguration took place within the framework of a presentation by the CEO of Teseo Producciones Audiovisuales, Javier Rodríguez, who addressed digital marketing through the conference “Your Digital Presence. A comparison with the real world”, aimed at SMEs in Burgos.

After the success achieved in the 2021-2023 call with the first edition of the Acelera Pyme Office, which answered 851 queries and organized 67 collective actions, both in person and online, FAE continues to firmly support the business community in its necessary path towards digitalization , as has been revealed with this new project.

As a result of this commitment, on June 13, FAE was formally the beneficiary of a new agreement to continue being part of the Acelera Pyme Office Network, whose objective is to promote the adoption of technologies by Spanish companies ( including newly created ones), especially SMEs, self-employed workers and entrepreneurs.

The Acelera SME Offices launched throughout Spain by Red.es, a public entity attached to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, have a budget of 18,450 euros in their second call in 2022. €,000, of which Red.es will contribute up to 80% of the eligible budget and the beneficiary entities the rest. The actions are financed under the Smart Growth Operational Program, European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) for the 2021-2027 programming period.

Since last June and for the next 2 years, FAE will carry out awareness-raising and support work for any company that needs it on the advantages and innovative methodologies to optimize the operation of their businesses, through the incorporation of Information Technologies and Communications (ICT) in its processes, contributing to the improvement of its productivity, for which FAE has, once again, the Miranda de Ebro Technology Center (CTM) as a technological partner.

Specifically, these actions refer to:

Group awareness-raising and support actions: At least 30 actions will be carried out per year (18 in face-to-face or mixed mode, and 12 in online mode), covering the entire territory of Castilla y León. Advice and face-to-face support actions: Attention to companies in terms of digitalization. Group actions that allow connecting the technological offer with the existing demand: In order to stimulate technological demand among Office users, actions will be carried out to connect the technological offer with the existing demand, through sessions of networking by sectors, called TECH DAYS, aimed at building a complete Technological Atlas (map of the technological offer for our territory). Other actions to be developed by the OAP to ensure compliance with the objectives of the program: It is intended to carry out an action from the OAP, “Cycles on new digital professions”, aimed at promoting digital talent and reducing the gender gap to publicize the professional and employment opportunities of ICTs, what the STEM disciplines offer and the new digital professions
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