Apple is removing the iPhone 12 from its stores earlier than expected

by time news

2023-09-13 13:58:38

Couple Klara Durand

Published 11 minutes ago, Updated now

The National Frequency Agency has estimated that the iPhone 12 exceeds the limit values ​​for electromagnetic waves emitted and absorbed by the human body. LUCY NICHOLSON / REUTERS

The wave emissions of this model would exceed regulatory thresholds. Faced with consumer concern, some refurbished device sites have decided to temporarily withdraw it from sale.

This Wednesday morning at ten o’clock, the first customers enter the Apple Store at Opéra in Paris and approach the salespeople present. On the smartphone side, one detail stands out. On the display, between the iPhone SE and the iPhone 13, one model is missing: the iPhone 12. “ We received instructions last night to remove this smartphone early from all Apple Stores“, we explain in store. The model, which should normally be withdrawn from stores from September 22, to favor the sale of more recent iPhones, finds itself put away a little earlier than expected.

The day before, the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) made its observations on tests carried out on the device, on sale since the end of 2020. Thus, the agency estimated that the iPhone 12 presents a exceeding the limit values ​​on electromagnetic waves emitted and absorbed by the human body. It therefore recommended banning its sale in France as of yesterday evening and ordered Apple to “implement all available means to quickly remedy this malfunction“. The company has two weeks to comply. For the moment, she plans to challenge the ANFR’s conclusions.

Consumer concerns

In the meantime, this announcement raises concerns among owners of this smartphone model. “ I’m afraid to use my iPhone 12, I admit it», Testifies for example Nabila. “I’m worried about the potential consequences on my body and I’m even thinking about changing my phone“, she continues. A feeling shared by Kardiatou: “ I discovered this information on».

In the Apple Store d’Opéra in Paris, as with the others, the iPhone 12 was removed from the display. Le Figaro

At the Opera Apple Store, instructions were given to reassure customers. In particular, that of recalling that the product“ does not pose a risk to consumer health» and that an update will soon be made to the software associated with the iPhone 12, so that it once again complies with European standards.

For Nicolas, however, these announcements do not answer all the questions raised by this ANFR report. “ I wonder a lot about the effectiveness of the controls. We constantly live with waves around us, why does the ANFR react after three years? Isn’t it too late to do a recall and especially how an update can solve the problem?“, he gets annoyed before continuing: “It is a product which until then did not present any real fault and which suddenly has one, on the same day that new models are presented by the brand…»

Removing Refurbished Device Sites

The iPhone 12 is also one of the increasingly popular models on refurbished device sites. The latter sell second-hand products, which are put back on sale after having been cleaned and then repaired by professionals. Since this morning, these brands have been facing an avalanche of requests from their customers. “ We have already received a lot of questions about the real risks. Most want to know if the device is dangerous», Explain Marlène Taurine, general director of SMAAART and Jacqueline Pistoulet, marketing and communications director for the company.

As a precaution, SMAAART has decided to temporarily withdraw iPhone 12s from sale on its site. “ We heard the news this morning on the radio and we are acting accordingly», They add. “However, we call on consumers who own an iPhone 12 not to panic, it is most certainly an update of the device’s software which must have caused this slight increase in the waves emitted, recall the two women. uA new software update will bring the iPhone 12 back into compliance».

SMAAART also intends to put the refurbished iPhone 12s back on sale once the software update has been installed by Apple. Other brands are even cautious and are still waiting before removing them from their site, like Easycash. The sign currently says “follow the file carefully» and be in consultation with its 135 stores.

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