Boy is diagnosed with ChatGPT after 3 years of pain; 17 doctors reviewed him

by time news

2023-09-13 20:59:40

And boy was correctly diagnosed by ChatGPT after three years of suffering. His story has gone around the world because it was reviewed by 17 specialist doctors looking for an assessment to identify the origin of your chronic painbut none of them got it right.

Photo: iStock

During the pandemic, Courtney, the child’s mother, bought an inflatable house for her two little ones, without imagining that soon her son Alex, who was four years old at the time, would begin inexplicable suffering due to the chronic pain he was experiencing.

What happened to the child diagnosed with ChatGPT?

Alex, whose last name was not revealed, was to take ibuprofen every day to feel a little relief. However, symptoms such as fatigue and chronic pain throughout the body they did not decrease; On the contrary, they intensified. In addition, shortly after they discovered new warning signs: teeth grinding and growth retardation.

His mother, desperate in search of a diagnosis that would improve Alex’s quality of life, took him to specialist after specialist to have a proper diagnosis, but none of the 17 doctors knew what was causing her son’s health to deteriorate.

Photo: iStock

In the midst of his frustration, Courtney created an account on ChatGPTthe artificial intelligence platform, where she shared all of her son’s symptoms, as well as information from studies and MRIs; That’s when ChatGPT suggested the diagnosis of tethered cord syndrome and, with proper treatment, Alex’s symptoms subsided.

What is tethered cord syndrome?

He tethered cord syndrome It is a rare neurological condition in which the spinal cord is abnormally anchored or attached to the lower part of the spine, preventing it from moving freely. In accordance with information from Stanford Medicine Children’s Healthcauses nerve damage and severe painamong the following symptoms:

Back pain, which may be persistent or intermittent. Muscle weakness in the legs. Bladder and bowel problems, such as urinary or fecal incontinence. Changes in sensation, such as numbness or tingling in the legs. Difficulty walking or maintaining sleep. balance. Abnormal curvature of the spine (scoliosis). Abnormal reflexes, such as hyperreflexia. Alterations in gait or changes in the way you walk. Pain in the legs or feet. In severe cases, partial or complete paralysis of the legs.

How is tethered cord syndrome treated?

He Main treatment for tethered cord syndrome is surgery. During the intervention, the spinal cord is released from its anchorage to relieve compression and improve symptoms that affect quality of life. Just like Alex’s mother did, the minor underwent the surgical procedure from which he is still recovering.

Photo: iStock

Courtney expressed that she shared the story on her social media to help other parents facing the anguish of seeing their sick children facing the same struggle. However, she clarified that the use of artificial intelligence should not be the first option to search health diagnoses.

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