Mixing creatine with pre-workout: 4 ways it helps shape your silhouette

by time news

2023-09-14 01:13:23

The creatine and pre-workout are two of the most famous supplements to increase energy levels, since many times, when faced with strength or resistance exercisesmakes us want to ‘throw in the towel’ mid-routine, especially when we do progressive loading. But, Is it possible to mix creatine with pre-workout to increase muscle?

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When it comes to increasing energy or endurance levels in the gym, the creatine and pre-workout They are two of the best options. Both supplements manage to enhance training to increase muscle mass and achieve well-defined curves, but the truth is that they provide different benefits to the body, one of the reasons why they are usually combined.

Can I take creatine and pre-workout at the same time?

If possible take creatine and pre-workout together before doing your exercise routine at the gym. In fact, many people do it to enhance the benefits. According to a article published by Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, some products pre-workout they contain creatine in its formulation, which is why the ingredients must be verified to avoid an excessive dose.

On the one hand, the creatine It is a natural compound found in small amounts in certain foods and is also produced in the body, primarily in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. When taken, it is stored in the muscles and used as a source of energy during high intensity activities and short duration, for example, in Weightlifting.

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On the other hand, the pre-workout is a supplement designed to improve performance and energy during exercise. It usually has ingredients such as caffeine, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, designed to increase alertness, endurance and muscle strength during the training.

What happens if I mix creatine with pre-workout?

Mix creatine with pre-workout before training in the gym can improve your performance, providing the following benefits to your silhouette:

Increased energy: the pre-workout contains stimulants that provide an immediate shot of energy, helping you stay more focused on your training. Improved performance: creatine increases the availability of energy in the muscles to give them more strength, power and capacity to perform. perform additional repetitions or carry more weight in your exercises. Greater resistance: the combination of creatine and pre-workout helps delay muscle fatigue, allowing you to train at higher intensities for longer. Mental focus: the ingredients contained in pre-workouts They can improve concentration and mental clarity, allowing you to maintain optimal focus in your exercise routine.Intramuscular fluid retention: creatine causes water retention in muscle cells, which can contribute to a more voluminous appearance.Adaptation to intense workouts : By improving your ability to perform high-intensity workouts, the combination of creatine and pre-workout accelerate muscle and strength adaptations.

What should I not mix with creatine?

Although the creatine can be taken with pre-workout To enhance its benefits, never think of mixing it with substances that have a high caffeine content, such as energy drinks, as this increases the risk of causing side effects undesirable symptoms, such as nervousness, insomnia and gastrointestinal discomfort.

Photo: iStock

On the other hand, it is not a good idea either. combine creatine with alcohol, since it can reduce its effectiveness and cause dehydration. You should also be careful when mix creatine with medications, especially if you have a health problem that requires lifelong treatment. Consult your doctor in this case to ensure your safety.

Now that you knowWhat happens when you mix creatine with pre-workout To increase muscles, don’t forget to follow our recommendations if you really want to notice changes in your silhouette. Make the effort worth it!

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