Star witness in impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton deemed ‘unavailable to testify’

by time news

Star Witness in Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial Excused from Testifying

AUSTIN — The Texas Capitol was abuzz with anticipation on Wednesday as Laura Olson, the star witness in the impeachment trial of state Attorney General Ken Paxton, prepared to take the stand. Olson, the former mistress of Paxton, was expected to provide crucial testimony for the prosecution. However, after hours of uncertainty, her lawyer successfully argued for her subpoena to be quashed, and she was ultimately excused from testifying.

Olson’s appearance in the trial had generated significant interest, as she would have offered a different perspective compared to the former Paxton staffers and law enforcement whistleblowers who had testified previously. Her testimony was expected to shed light on the actions that led to Paxton’s impeachment charges of bribery, unfitness for office, and abuse of office.

However, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick ruled that Olson would not have to take the stand, deeming her “unavailable to testify.” This decision was seen as a victory for the defense. While Olson left the Capitol without commenting, speculation remains about the potential impact of her absence on the trial’s outcome.

Since entering a not guilty plea on the first day of the trial, Paxton himself has not been seen in the Senate chamber. His wife, Sen. Angela Paxton, has attended the trial, although she has been prohibited from voting on the impeachment verdict due to her relationship with the defendant. A two-thirds majority vote is required for a conviction, meaning that 19 out of the 31 senators, including 19 Republicans, must support the impeachment for it to be successful.

On Thursday morning, senators are expected to vote on a prosecution motion seeking to ban Paxton from holding public office in Texas if he is convicted on any of the 16 articles of impeachment. A verdict could be reached before the weekend.

One of the articles of impeachment involves Olson and her alleged role in helping Paxton continue his affair with wealthy Austin developer Nate Paul, a major donor to Paxton’s campaign. However, Paxton’s lead lawyer, Tony Buzbee, dismissed the notion of a conspiracy and argued against the validity of the charges.

Paxton, a three-term incumbent and staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, has had few individuals from his inner circle testify in his defense. Olson’s appearance at the Capitol caused a stir, drawing a significant crowd to the Senate gallery, but the decision excusing her from testifying left many disappointed.

While Olson has kept a low profile, certain details about her have emerged. She previously worked for Sen. Donna Campbell and was part of local conservative groups. Her affair with Paxton reportedly began in 2018, and several former Paxton staffers have provided testimony and evidence supporting the allegations.

As the trial continues, questions remain about how Olson’s absence will impact the case against Paxton. With the prosecution resting its case, the defense will now present its arguments, and Paxton himself has indicated that he plans to discuss the trial with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in an upcoming interview.

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