The positive thinking of Alex Zanotelli

by time news

twelve o’clock, May 19, 2021 – 10:00

of Eduardo Cicelyn

Padre Zanotelli thinks positive. For so long and in such a coherent and determined way that one cannot fail to respect it. Almost taking for granted the truth and correctness of each of his positions. We are in the country of Jovanotti, good guys who love the Church, the only great Church that goes from Mother Teresa of Calcutta to Che Guevara, passing through Malcom X, Gandhi and Muccioli.

And for the suburban priest, who is the latest arrival, but just because he comes from far away, from deep Africa, he doesn’t give a damn about the Vatican, he lands at the Sanit in Naples and takes on all the right battles against the rich and powerful, in favor of the poor and the exploited. Zanotelli, a Comboni missionary, like his curly and popular aedo, someone who sings it to everyone. When his voice is raised in a public debate, that is the moment of the refrain, the climax of the song, the sweet but always fleeting tempo of the church boys returning to community or meeting in committee.

last happened also in Marano, where the militants of the public water called him loudly. In the end, Father Alex Zanotelli, the man who thinks positively, one who, despite his profession, does not like to be prayed to, sang his music. But this time a little out of time. Perhaps the missionary fathers are no longer what they used to be. As always, he took issue with the bourgeois press, guilty of not having raised the scandal of a municipal resolution that entrusted the management of the water service in Marano to an external company (of which the public body would also be part of it together with others) . A question of law, lawyer stuff, rather controversial. On which it does not appear that the judiciary has intervened, usually too diligent. Do you want to see that the decision of the mayor and his councilors was legitimate, only politically incorrect for positive thinkers? What struck and dazed the rather hasty beginning of Comboni reasoning. This is all that is excluded in the introduction in order to magnify the future role or perhaps only hoped for by Abc and the Municipality of de Magistris. Up to the conclusion: Public water management in Naples should represent for everyone a flagship for the South and a model for the country. For Zanotelli, the fact that the Neapolitan water company doubled the price of water supply to the municipalities of the province is of little relevance. He doesn’t even bother to understand why commercial rates in the city have been so high for over three years. The missionary’s song is always that of public water, even if those who manage it then make a profit without putting it in the budget, quietly in the market, as they say.

But no one has ever claimed that ABC is bad. And no one has ever written that the special Neapolitan company is responsible for the bankruptcy water service in Marano. Due to a series of public circumstances (the political chaos in that municipality) and private (the absurd bills received in my business), I happened to address in this column the issues on which Father Zanotelli has now poured his charisma. Fears that all remain on the table. Indeed at this point I expect that there‘influence committees convince the devoted leaders of ABC to immediately lower the tariffs to the municipalities of the province, equating them with those in force in the city, and to return the stolen goods to the Neapolitan traders. Then s that his mission would be accomplished. And the good Comboni father would win a new follower. Although I am not comfortable in the great church frequented by old and new fans of Jovanotti, I also think that nothing and no one in the world will be able to stop me from thinking.

May 19, 2021 | 10:00


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