“Action sharp” for measures control against “unteachable”

by time news

At a press conference on Monday in Vienna, Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) announced an “action against those unteachable people” who “do not adhere to the necessary measures”. The controls to ensure compliance with the Covid requirements are to be strengthened. There will also be close cooperation with retailers.


Interior minister relied on cooperation with trade

For the “increased control pressure” standby units as well as police officers in civilian clothes are to take care. For the retail sector, there will be recommendations for action on “how controls can be safely implemented”. Because trade is challenged accordingly, according to Karner, for example when recognizing forgeries of evidence or when dealing with “in some cases unruly customers”.

Accessed on January 10th, 2022 at 12:27 pm on https://www.sn.at/panorama/oesterreich/aktion-scharf-bei-masshaben-kontrolle-gegen-unbelehrbare-115253983

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