Results of the NASA report on unidentified anomalous phenomena – USA – International

by time news

2023-09-15 00:51:21

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) published this September 14 its final report of the independent study of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP or Fani) as unidentified flying objects or known ‘UFOs’ are officially called.

(Read also: LIVE: NASA publishes report on UFOs and possible extraterrestrial life).

In the morning, a briefing was held before the media presenting the results of the report with Bill Nelson, administrator of the space agency; David Spergel, president of the Simons Foundation and director of the UAP independent study team; Nicola Fox, administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and Dan Evans, deputy administrator for research.

After nine months of analysis of the more than 800 events reported in the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (Aaro) and the 247 new registered UAP reports by the US Department of Defense, which began To encourage military aviators to reveal the recorded anomalies, some conclusions are drawn about what is happening with the unidentified objects.

These are 5 important facts from what NASA said, in case you missed them:

1. There is no evidence that the anomalous phenomena are of extraterrestrial origin

“There is no evidence that the phenomena had extraterrestrial origins. But we don’t know what they are,” said Bill Nelson, NASA administrator.

The origin of these phenomena was one of the most anticipated questions in the report, however, as explained in the published text, to date in the scientific literature there is no conclusive evidence that the UAPs have an extraterrestrial origin.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said at the press conference that “NASA’s independent study panel found no evidence that the unidentified anomalous phenomena had an extraterrestrial origin. But we don’t know what they are. The agency’s mission is find the unknown.”

The challenge, as he explains, is that there is not enough data to explain these anomalous sightings; This includes eyewitness reports, which alone may be interesting, are not reproducible, and lack the information necessary to draw definitive conclusions about the origin of a phenomenon.

(You may be interested: NASA reveals the long-awaited report on UFOs: ‘the mission is to find the unknown’).

2. Analysis of UAP data is currently hampered

The report concludes that, due to poor calibration of sensors, the lack of multiple measurements and the lack of reference data, these phenomena continue to be one of the greatest mysteries of our planet.

Although objects in the sky that cannot be identified as airplanes, balloons or known natural phenomena are recorded around the world, high-quality observations are still limited. The agency says that “the absence of consistent, detailed and selected observations means that we currently do not have the data set necessary to draw definitive scientific conclusions about UAP.”

3. UAPs are a threat to airspace security

The investigative panel believes that the phenomena represent an obvious threat to the security of United States airspace, either as flight safety hazards or as potential adversary collection platforms.

The agency concludes that a deeper and more systematic record is necessary in the reporting system presented to the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which is shared with pilots, traffic controllers, air and other professional aviation personnel.

This “would provide a critical database that would be valuable to the government-wide effort to understand UAPs,” explains the report, which recommends, in turn, taking advantage of NASA’s long history of partnership with the FAA to investigate how Advanced real-time air traffic analysis techniques could be applied.

4. Artificial intelligence is an essential tool to identify phenomena

Bill Nelson, administrator of the space agency, mentions at the conference that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to search for answers is possible. The report explains that these tools (AI and machine learning, ML) are important in identifying rare events that could include UAPs.

These methodologies, combined with NASA’s experience, should be used to investigate the origins and nature of phenomena with data from satellites and radar systems. However, it is explained that the effectiveness of AI and ML fundamentally depends on the quality of the data and the characterization of these phenomena to train the AI ​​and facilitate its analysis.

Currently, UAP analysis is limited more by data quality than by the availability of techniques.

5. Need to combat prejudices

The report emphasizes the importance of combating prejudice, skepticism and distrust in authorities that can limit citizens who witness UAPs from providing data and evidence of them.

The text explains that opening the analysis to an audience improves the research. “Multiple competitive but independent teams working to solve the most important questions in science provide an additional layer of verification,” he says.


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