Propae publishes guidelines regarding the payment of emergency food assistance on the Malês/BA Campus (Notice No. 05/2023)

by time news

2023-09-14 17:27:59

The Dean of Affirmative and Student Policies (Propae) explains that, according to the Final Result referring to notice no. 05/2023, which was published on the Unilab Portal, this Wednesday (13), and sent via email from SIGAA , emergency food allowances were paid to 875 students regularly enrolled in in-person undergraduate courses at the Malês Campus, in São Francisco do Conde, Bahia, who met the following criteria:

1 – Have active or graduating status at SIGAA;

2 – Be enrolled in at least 1 (one) curricular component in the 2023.1 semester.

The student whose name may not be on the list (available in the Final Result, published must check their enrollment certificate or history and, if they find an inconsistency, send it to the email: ([email protected]) , with the subject: Registration data (containing full name, CPF, name of bank, branch, account and operation – if any).

Note: Incoming international students, linked to the Foreign Student Reception and Integration Program (PAIE) as welcomed, were assisted through the transfer of the amount in the form of a reinforcement of the cost allowance for sharing housing, paid to welcoming students, according to Notice 03/2023/Propae/Prointer. Emergency monthly food assistance was granted, in the amount of R$575.00, for each student hosted.


1 – Payments not made to students who are on the Final Result list with observation “incorrect bank details on SIGAA”, the amounts will be deposited by the 18th (next Monday). If you have sent your bank details to email: ([email protected]), by 11 am this Wednesday (14), as published in the Final Result and sent to students’ emails yesterday , day 13.

2 – Payments not made to students who are on the list mentioned above with the observation “payment by bank account”, occurred due to inaccuracies in the bank details filled in at SIGAA or due to problems with the bank account at the banks (inactive account, for example). In these cases, payment will be made by CPF, until next Monday (18th).

2.1 – Students in the situation described in item 2 must go to a Banco do Brasil branch, within a maximum of 7 working days from the date of payment, carrying personal documentation with a photo to collect the amounts. After 7 business days, if they are not withdrawn, the amounts will no longer be available.

Redenção/CE, September 14, 2023.

Dean of Affirmative and Student Policies (Propae)

#Propae #publishes #guidelines #payment #emergency #food #assistance #MalêsBA #Campus #Notice

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