Feijóo asks Sánchez to “reverse” the blackmail of the independentists

by time news

2023-09-15 13:58:51

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, closed the FAES 2023 campus in the presence of the former president of the Government, José María Aznar and the vice president of the European Commission Margatis Shinas where he stressed that the “political league is not the best in Europe” while at the same time He regretted that dialogue is today something “on the verge of extinction.”

Feijóo has shown his “personal support” for Aznar after the call he made a few days ago urging him to “stand up with all the determination” and make a new Enough now! to prevent Pedro Sánchez’s government from concluding an agreement with the fugitive Carles Puigdemont that would entail an Amnesty Law and what the former president called “a project of national dissolution.” These words were harshly criticized by the Government’s spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, who accused Aznar of being a “coup plotter.” For this reason, the leader of the PP stressed that, “in the face of the crazy attacks for accrediting your opinion and defending them with reasons,” he considered that the words of the minister spokesperson “are part of the drift of Spanish politics and of a government in office that has “You have already heard that, if you were a coup leader, the Government would amnesty you, pardon you, and ask you to vote for it in the investiture,” he said in a humorous tone, although he stressed that what is happening “it is not to be taken as a joke.” For Feijóo, the attacks on Aznar “would merit the resignation of the minister spokesperson.”

“They are not going to silence us”

The president of the popular party and candidate for the investiture highlighted how the attempts to discredit “any voice that disagrees” with the actions of the current Government are “innumerable.” Given this, he warns: “They are not going to silence us with their pressure and their attacks.” Furthermore, he highlighted how “we are witnessing a strategy where the entire Government is dedicated to attacking the opposition”, even when that opinion is the opposite of what they themselves defended. “These are the famous changes of opinion” of Sánchez, he said In this context he alluded to Nicolás Redondo, expelled from the party yesterday for “defending the ideology of the PSOE” in a scenario where “the only thing that has changed is that Sánchez has lost the elections. And, he highlighted, the president of the Government in functions “he does not have consent for either the amnesty or the referendum. He is not entitled to do the opposite of what he criticized.”

For this reason, he warned that “blackmail is on the table and Sánchez has rushed to mobilize the entire Government.” “I solemnly ask Sánchez to back down” in the face of the independence blackmail. What the PSOE is negotiating and promoting today was “strenuously rejected two months ago,” he recalled. Likewise, he stated: it would be “immoral for Sánchez to be willing to accept everything to solve their voting problems in an investiture, to remain in power.

Pact Offer

Feijóo listed how, after the general elections, the acting Executive “has built a story with the sole desire to remain in power”, even going as far as the TC to try to modify the electoral result “in the offices.” “They have attacked us of coup plotters, they belittle those who did not vote for them and now try to silence those who voted for them and do not accept what they are doing, in addition to trying to prevent the candidate with the most votes from running for office.” He warned that “not even the Constitution has changed, neither the blackmail of the independentists nor the amnesty is acceptable. There is only one dilemma: that “the governability of Spain depends on the demands of the independentists or that it has been able to overcome the difficulties with consensus and height of “To do this, the leader of the PP once again defended dialogue and state pacts to put aside populism and blackmail, something that he said he will continue to offer to the PSOE.

#Feijóo #asks #Sánchez #reverse #blackmail #independentists

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