The outbreak of gastroenteritis registered in Tarazona (Zaragoza) is getting worse and there are already 261 people affected

by time news

2023-09-15 16:43:12

Updated Friday, September 15, 2023 – 16:43

Special measures are being sought to treat water infected by a protozoan present in the intestines of humans and livestock

The mayor of Tarazona, Antonio Jaray, and the general director of Public Health, Nuria Gayn, reporting this Friday on the evolution of the outbreakGovernment of Aragon

The infections due to gastroenteritis outbreak registered in the Zaragoza town of Tarazona continue to increase and are already 261 people affected27 more in the last 24 hours.

The cause of the infection is a protozoan of the genus Cryptosporidium, a rare microorganism, which found in the human or livestock intestinewhose feces can contaminate the waters.

Its presence was detected by the stool analysis of the patients and it was then confirmed that transmission was taking place through tap water because all those affected had one thing in common, having drunk drinking water.

Therefore, the 10,6000 inhabitants of the aforementioned town They still cannot drink tap water or use it for cooking or oral hygieneamong other prohibitions or recommendations.

To know ms


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The mayor of Tarazona, Antonio Jaray, and the general director of Public Health of the Government of Aragón, Nuria Gaynmet this Friday to study treatment measures to stop the outbreak.

They have indicated that the protozoan detected in the supply network is able to bypass ordinary treatmentsso companies specialized in ozonation techniques, ultraviolet rays or other options adapted to the case will be used.

Seg Gayn, These types of processes are not contemplated in the “usual protocols” but you have to anticipate. “You cannot wait to have all the certainty, you have to apply the principle of prevention despite the lack of conclusive evidence that it is in the water or has been there.”

Likewise, he has pointed out that it is “a very elusive bug and the research is very complex. In water it appears so diluted that it is undetectable with current protocols. Now we have the transmission vehicle, which is water, and we have have to find the source, that is, the where it all started?”.

He added that the investigation remains open: “It is not always possible to find out everything that has happened and we may never have definitive proof, but the important thing in a situation like this is to apply the principle of prevention and in the face of any hypothesis, we must act.”


At the moment, the residents of Tarazona have prohibited the use of water from the supply network for drinking, cooking and oral hygiene.

Additionally, if you want to use it to clean utensils and surfaces, it will need to be boiled for at least 10 minutes.

Public Health has expanded the restrictions also for those infected or people who have had compatible symptoms. In these cases, they ask to take extreme personal hygiene and hand washing measures, especially after changing diapers of children or infected patients up to 48 hours after the diarrhea has disappeared.

The same period is for the handling of food or care of people hospitalized or in institutions such as residences or daycare centers; and so that children who go to daycare join it.

Likewise, it is recommended that those affected do not bathe in swimming pools for two weeks following the cessation of diarrhea and that do not have sexual relations either.

It is also insisted that It is essential to clean hands with soap and water and not with hydroalcoholic gelswhich are not useful in these cases.

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