Prince Marcus von Anhalt: Disgust reaction to criticism of animal cruelty – celebrities stand by him

by time news

2023-09-15 18:02:00

One of the most reprehensible German Z celebrities is Prince Marcus von Anhalt. In recent weeks he has caused outrage with an animal cruel video, and now with arrogance in his reactions to criticism. But some celebrities still support him.

He is a trained butcher, moved dead meat from A to B, then he tried his hand at being a brothel owner by “selling” living objects and then he became a prince. A story like something out of a fairy tale, right?

Whorehouse Cinderella and Brothel Cinderella made Marcus Frank Adolf Eberhardt rich, so he rode off and got the aristocratic title of Prince in 2006 through a purchased adoption from Prince Frédéric von Anhalt. Since then, the proll prince has been showing off on numerous TV formats and social media.

He has also already paid a visit to the fairytale dungeon, or rather the prison. According to his own statements, he spent four years in prison in 2003 for attempted extortion, grievous bodily harm, pimping and human trafficking, according to the “Abendzeitung München”. Another stay in prison followed in 2014 in custody, then in 2016 he was convicted of tax evasion.

He repeatedly attracts negative attention, for example through sayings in the show “Celebrities under Palms”: “Say, you’re a fag… it’s disgusting when two men kiss.” He later shouted: “If I say being gay sucks, then it is.” Apparently an attitude that Prince Marcus also represents on the subject of animal protection.

Pietro Lombardi and many other celebrities went directly to the barricades

About two weeks ago, the chav prince shot a turtle with a football in his garden in Dubai. The animal was extremely frightened and immediately collapsed into its shell. After a media shitstorm broke out and many celebrities like Pietro Lombardi criticized the prince, he justified himself with the words: “The horn plates are numb. This means that the turtle feels nothing directly on the shell.” This statement was immediately refuted by the animal protection association to the “Bild” newspaper: “A terribly unempathetic action! Reptiles are extremely sensitive to stress. Such a sudden and violent impact causes turtles to fear death and go into shock.” There was also talk of worse consequences such as a shell rupture.

Now the animal protection organization Peta has reported the prince. Peter Höffken, specialist at Peta Germany, says, among other things: “Prince Marcus is a bad role model not only for the local children, but also for millions of people on social networks. He may be encouraging other people to treat animals disrespectfully.”

Prince Marcus’ reaction? As usual arrogant and arrogant. He told “Bild” about his critics: “First do the same thing and then talk to me!” What exactly he means by this remains unclear. The newspaper also writes that he once donated 50,000 euros to Peta. Does he think that he has thereby bought the title of “animal lover” as well as the title of prince and all the freedom to behave as he pleases?

Prince Marcus insults critics as “uneducated”

The prince doesn’t want to say anything more about the turtle campaign. He wrote on Instagram: “The king doesn’t react when the mob gossips – get that, you uneducated people!”

It was not Anhalt’s first anti-animal action. As early as Halloween, the prince became the focus of animal-loving people by celebrating a party with horses that were visibly nervous and panicked and were even exposed to pyrotechnics.

There are other examples. He bought a baby monkey as a toy for his daughter and gave it away. He called his dog a “lazy bastard.” The prince even offered his followers on Instagram anti-Semitic statements. During an angry speech on the subject of cryptocurrencies and their immense loss of value, he apparently did not want to give crypto advice, but he still wanted to spread anti-Semitism: “I will never give you any advice. No Jews or Americans. No Jews!”.

The list of his wrongdoings is long

The shitstorm has been raging for two weeks now, including the ad, but what’s also astonishing is one fact: There are still numerous German celebrities who follow the would-be blue-blood on Instagram. For example Micaela Schäfer, Gina-Lisa Lohfink, Bert Wollersheim, Melanie Müller, Leonard Freier and Georgina Bülowius. So I ask: Is it still okay? How can you support a person, attend their parties or even follow them on Instagram who makes homophobic, anti-Semitic comments and treats animals badly?

Animal protection is still treated far too neglected around the world. It is a must that celebrities in particular show their colors in such cases and point out to society that we treat our dear fellow inhabitants of this planet well. Unfortunately, the punishment is really very low. Luise Klick, legal advisor at Peta Germany explains: “The German Animal protection law prohibits the torture, mistreatment and ‘unnecessary’ killing of animals. Violation of Section 17 of the Animal Protection Act is punishable by a prison sentence of up to three years or a fine. In addition to this criminal provision, there are other standards in the Animal Protection Act, the violation of which can be punished as an administrative offense.”

Being prominent also means, if possible, being a role model, using your voice in the media to do good, to draw attention to grievances. Just like Pietro Lombardi did on the turtle torture video. He ranted wildly about Prince Marcus into the camera. But what is the message if you continue to publicly follow people like that, Micaela, Leonard, Georgina and Co.? How about using the notoriety not just to post designer clothes, but to make a statement, show the flag, and take a stand against animal cruelty? In this day and age of cancel culture, still following someone like Prince Marcus is more likely to mean tacit approval. Do you think the game “Hit the Turtle”, as Marcus called it, is ok? Do you want to continue to have contact with someone like that? Or why are you still following him?

It is the duty of all of us to protect living beings of whatever kind and to protect them. The animals have no one to speak for them.

Sources: Bild, The West, Peta, Focus, Spiegel, Evening newspaper Munich, Journal Frankfurt, Youtube, Oe24

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