Covid vaccines and thrombosis, the first study in Milan: volunteers are sought

by time news

“The first clinical study in Italy that investigates the connection between anti-Covid vaccination and thrombotic events” starts in Milan. Leading it are the Monzino Cardiology Center (Ccm) and the State University of the Lombard capital, who announce the launch of the ‘Treasure’ project with the aim of “evaluating any variation in platelet activation, the mechanism at the origin thrombosis, induced by the administration of both mRna vaccines such as Pfizer and Moderna, and viral vector vaccines such as AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson “.

Monzino and UniMi are looking for 200 Milanese interested in participating in the research, undergoing a simple blood test before and after vaccination. “Participate in the study” is the appeal launched by the IRCCS of the heart and by the university in via Festa del Perdono. “In addition to contributing to the collective knowledge on anti-Covid vaccines – they underline – the participants will enter a program to control their cardiovascular situation, which is always good to monitor, especially in this pandemic period”.

The two blood samples will be used to characterize the platelet activation status before vaccination and to evaluate any post-vaccine variation, also highlighting whether different types of shield products determine a different platelet activation. Treasure is aimed at the population aged between 18 and 79, who must receive the first or second dose of the anti Sars-Cov-2 vaccine.

“The cases of thrombosis, although rare, following the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine, have sown panic. But in reality there is no scientific proof of a causal link, nor that women are more at risk – says Marina Camera. , professor at the University of Milan and head of the Cardiovascular Cell and Molecular Biology Unit of the Ccm – For this reason, international scientific societies have recommended investigating the mechanisms of interaction between blood cells and vaccines. An invitation that we immediately accepted. anti-Covid vaccination campaign will not end in 2021, but will accompany us for several years as a central theme of public health “, underlines the expert, highlighting the importance of experimentation.

“According to the recommendations issued by the European health authorities after an initial examination of the available data – remembers Camera – the most suspected are viral vector vaccines, so much so that in Italy they are reserved” preferentially “for the over 60s, age in which the thrombotic events did not occur. The doubt remains that the reported cases, very few, compared to the millions of doses already administered in England and the United States – the teacher points out – have nothing to do with the vaccine. , their number is practically identical to the thrombosis affecting the unvaccinated population. For this reason it is absolutely necessary to know more “.

And it is essential “not to suspend or slow down the vaccination campaign: getting sick with Covid-19 – warns Camera – is much more dangerous than getting a vaccine. I therefore appeal to the Milanese to participate in our study and help research”.

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