This is how you should prepare according to the IMSS

by time news

2023-09-16 02:00:04

Regardless of the time of year, people with chronic-degenerative diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure should continue with their medical treatments.
To celebrate safely, the IMSS invented the “healthy pozole” and shared the indications of its content and portion size.
During the national holidays, medical consultations increase for reasons such as burns, alcohol congestion and trauma due to fights.

The night of September 15 is special because in addition to celebrating the Independence of Mexico, it is also an excuse to be with family. To ensure that this date does not have a negative impact on health, it is possible to prepare a dish of healthy pozole. Although it seems like a contradiction, it is actually possible and the recipe was even created by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

First of all, the important thing is to moderate the portions of the dishes to avoid falling into the excesses that lead to obesity. Likewise, all of them should be accompanied by vegetables, cereals or legumes, low-fat foods of animal origin, fruits and plain water.

Mexicans can gain up to 5 kilos during the national holidays

Another important point is that during these happy times there are people who interrupt their medical treatments. This is a mistake that seems minor but can actually cause serious health problems. Therefore, especially the population that suffers from some chronic-degenerative disease such as diabetes or high blood pressure should continue taking medications.

Healthy Pozole, how to prepare?

Now, Nutrition graduate Itzel Valtierra Martínez, assigned to the Nutrition and Health Area in the IMSS Health Promotion Division, assured that it is possible to achieve a diet based on regional Mexican food and, at the same time, that is healthy. It all depends on the quantity, frequency and nutritional quality of the food.

This is the healthy menu that your patients should eat on national holidays

He explained that one option to take care of your diet is healthy pozole. To begin with, the plate must measure a maximum of 23 centimeters in diameter for adults and 19 centimeters for preschoolers and schoolchildren. While half should be made up of vegetables, raw or cooked such as cucumber, jicama, carrot; a quarter of foods of animal origin: chicken, beef, fish, and the other quarter of cereals such as rice, corn grains, pasta, bolillo, or legumes such as beans, broad beans or lentils. For example, pozole can be considered a complete and balanced dish, because it contains:

Vegetables: lettuce, radishes and onion Cereals: corn grains Foods of animal origin: chicken or pork.

“The preparations of the dishes should be low in fat, avoiding fried, battered or breaded, since digestion will be slower and have more calories.”

Valtierra Martínez added that typical dishes can be accompanied by a natural fruit, in addition to the consumption of plain drinking water, without added sugar in the case of drinks such as hibiscus, lemon or mint. He also suggested taking advantage of the company of friends and family to increase physical activity such as dancing, playing or joint activities.

“The consumption of alcoholic beverages is not recommended due to the excess of calories without nutritional value, in addition to the damage and risks to health, such as a decrease in body coordination, loss of consciousness, alcohol poisoning, or even death.”

Medical consultations increase during national holidays

For his part, Dr. Diego Balcón Caro, coordinator of Medical Programs in the Nutrition Area, pointed out that Social Security estimates that attention in Emergency services increases on the days of celebration of national holidays. The main reasons for consultations are burns due to the use of fireworks, cases of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages that result in alcohol poisoning, trauma due to car accidents, fights or fights, and falls due to loss of balance.

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Nutritionists recommend these foods to enjoy the national holidays

This is the healthy menu that your patients should eat on national holidays

Mexicans can gain up to 5 kilos during the national holidays

#prepare #IMSS

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