A homeowner files a complaint against a developer for trespassing

by time news

2023-09-16 07:00:06

Red bricks obstruct the view of Martine who spent all her savings to renovate her house, in the Croix-Daurade district, in Toulouse (31). A three-story building with 30 housing units was erected under its windows. The developer was forced to build the building all along the wall of the pensioner’s house. The residence is in fact subject to view easementsa right which allows the owner to deviate from the distances imposed by law to create an opening or a view towards the neighboring property.

For 12 years, Martine and Acantys have been waging a merciless war. The construction site was stopped while the case was brought to trial. The amicable negotiations were a failure. The case even went to the Court of Cassation. Already before Martine, other residents were protesting against the demolition of the 20th century house which stood in place of the three-story building. After much discussion, the promoter finally convinced them. Acantys offered to buy Martine’s house and build her another in a wealthy area of ​​Toulouse but she refused. “The amount offered was well below the real value of the house. I could not accept, especially since the proposed new housing would take me away from the city center“, she asserts. According to Acantys, justice ruled in their favor but the matter does not end there.

The developer accused of damage

Latest twist: Martine has just filed a complaint for trespassing and damage against the promoter. “In the middle of summer, the developer took the liberty of using my roof as scaffolding. Workers have entered my balcony on several occasions without the slightest authorization. The renovated roof was damaged as well as other elements of the house», she confides to La Dépêche du Midi . Martine would, however, be willing to negotiate if the developer finds her a property “of this quality”, which will “be very difficult”, as she assures. Contacted by Le Figarothe promoter refused to provide an update on the situation, “given that the group is in procedure and therefore bound by secrecy“. To be continued.

#homeowner #files #complaint #developer #trespassing

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