Before going to the UN, Lula stops in Cuba under the eyes of the West

by time news

2023-09-16 12:00:32

After controversial speech about Putin, PT member visits Caribbean dictatorship for the G77 summit, which this year will be attended by China; then, he heads to the United Nations General Assembly, where he will give an opening speech

Ricardo Stuckert/PR Lula and Janja disembark at José Martí International Airport, in Havana

The president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) arrived on the night of this Friday, 15th, in Havanacapital of Cubato participate in the summit meeting of the G77. The group brings together developing countries and aims to articulate movements of collective interest between nations. O Brazil is one of the 77 founding members of the bloc, which already has 134 members. The event’s theme is “current challenges for development: the role of science, technology and innovation” and this edition will feature the participation of China. In addition to participating in the summit, Lula will have bilateral meetings with the director general of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Qu Dongyuand with the president of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel. After leaving the Caribbean country, the PT member will go to New Yorkwhere he will participate and give the opening speech General Assembly of the United Nations (UN). The Brazilian president’s reception at the second event is directly linked to his speeches at the first.

Lula’s speech at the UN is much anticipated, especially because of the PT member’s controversial statements. Among them are nods to Russialike the lines about Vladimir Putin not be arrested if you come to Brazil and a neutral position on the war in Ukraine, and distance from the West. To the portal of Young panpolitical scientist and professor of international relations at Insper Leandro Consentino analyzed the scenario of Lula’s speech, saying that the world will be watching to understand Brazil’s position. “Without a doubt, he will be keeping an eye on the Lula issue, because he is seeking a non-alignment role. [com o Ocidente], as has been a characteristic of the G77 since it was founded in the 1960s. It is important to have his statements because of what this movement away will be. On the other hand, he has not undertaken this in the best possible way. Some analysts declare that Lula, seeking this equidistance, ends up falling close to China and Russia. As the meeting will be between the G77 and China, it is very likely that the statements could bring Lula even closer to this agenda”, explains Consentino.

The G77 meeting will be a favorable environment for Lula to make statements against the Western and strengthen partnerships outside the United States-Europe axis. “The world will be paying attention to where Brazil is heading. If it remains at an equidistance between the West and the bloc made up of Eastern autocracies, or if, in fact, it, in some way, invests in getting closer to China again. […] This could create another source of tension, especially due to the level of statements and the way in which Lula will position himself on the agenda. The G77 is a forum that brings together developing countries, so the environment will be ripe for it to make statements against the West or strengthening partnerships”, says Leandro.

Regarding the tone of Lula’s statements during the meeting in Havana, Leandro said he believes that he will once again seek leadership from the Global South, a fear in vogue in international relations that refers to developing nations and with certain relevance in the geopolitical scenario. A good example is the Brics member countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. “It is difficult to know what stance Lula will take in the G77. I believe in a critical stance towards the West and developed countries and in search of leadership in what the diplomacy of this third Lula government is calling the Global South. It seems that this will be the tone of the statements and positions at the G77 summit.”

Lula’s speeches that caused discomfort with the West

“Putin should not have invaded Ukraine. But it is not just Putin who is to blame, the USA is to blame and the European Union is to blame. What is the reason for the invasion of Ukraine? Is it NATO? The US and Europe could have said: ‘Ukraine is not going to join NATO’. It would be resolved”
Lula, in May 2022, blaming the US and EU for the war

“The USA needs to stop encouraging war and start talking about peace, so that we can convince Putin and Zelensky that peace is in everyone’s interest”
Lula, in April 2023, saying that the Biden government encourages war

“Zelensky can’t have everything he thinks he wants either”
Lula, in April 2023, about the president of Ukraine

“I go to places where people don’t even know where Venezuela is, but they know that Venezuela has a problem with democracy, that the government ‘I don’t know how many’. So, you need to build your narrative”
Lula, to Nicolás Madura, during the visit of the Venezuelan president in May 2023

“What I said, in fact, is that since Chávez took office the narrative has been built that he is a devil. It was like that with me”
Lula, still in May, explaining his conversation with Maduro

“What was created after the Second World War, the Bretton Woods institutions, no longer works”
Lula, in June 2023, during a summit in Paris

“I think Putin can go to Brazil calmly. If I am the president and he goes to Brazil, there is no reason for him to be arrested.”
Lula, on the 9th

“I didn’t even know this court existed”
Lula, on September 11, about the International Criminal Court

Rapprochement with Cuba

When commenting on Lula’s commitments to the Cuban president, the professor says that the rapprochement between the two nations will happen and that there is a symbolic nature involved. “It is a symbolic rapprochement, especially the change in the axis of the Bolsonaro government’s foreign policy, which distanced itself from Cuba and criticized the country. It is a rapprochement along the lines of what the Workers’ Parties themselves did in the past with Cuba, even though it is an authoritarian regime, with serious problems and reservations, without offering much from the point of view of Brazil’s trade agenda. But there is an ideological identity in this sense.”

#Lula #stops #Cuba #eyes #West

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