a gathering of detectorists scandalizes archaeologists

by time news

2023-09-17 13:38:17

The regional archaeological authorities were unable to obtain the cancellation of the 3rd edition of the Vicq detection rally, in Haute-Marne, an event which promotes “an illegal and destructive activity”.

On Saturday, an unusual bustle roamed the town of Vicq, about twenty kilometers southeast of Chaumont. In the middle of the European Heritage Days weekend, the 162 inhabitants of this Haute-Marne countryside welcomed nearly 300 people. However, it was not the old village church that attracted this crowd, nor even a bucolic appetite for this small piece of Champagne territory, but the passion for detection.

Saturday morning, around thirty volunteers inaugurated the Vicq “detection rally”, a competition in which participants comb, with their metal detector, private land in search of 1000 tokens hidden underground. Organized by the Vikings Détect.52 section of the local Relaxation, Leisure and Sports (DLS) association, the event is experiencing record attendance in this third edition. “It’s going strong!” welcomes Chantal Dezan, president of DLS. Enthusiasts arrived from all over France and neighboring countries. We have Belgians, Swiss and Luxembourgers!” The event, however, shook archaeologists off their hinges.

“A provocation”

“No, detection is not a hobby”insists a collective of Champagne archaeologists in a petition posted online on September 15 to demand a ban on this gathering “promoting an illegal activity and destructive. “Organizing this event in the middle of the Heritage Days weekend is not innocent, it is a provocation, support Marion Bernard and Fabien Langry-François, two archaeologists at the origin of the petition. This type of event, which flirts with illegality, actually prepares participants for the excavation of archaeological objects with their metal detector, a prohibited practice except prior administrative authorization, by article L. 542-1 of the Heritage Code..

Under the guise of leisure detection, the detectorists will dig up areas of land where remains could be found.

Thierry Bonin, deputy regional curator of archeology at Drac Grand-Est

“I contacted the public prosecutor and the gendarmeriespecifies Thierry Bonin, deputy regional curator of archeology at Drac Grand-Est. Under the guise of leisure detection, the detectorists will dig up sections of earth where remains could be found, while the town already lists five archaeological sites, dated from prehistory au Middle Ages . That this is organized on private land changes nothing. The fact that the precise location of the rally is not publicly indicated finally adds a layer of opacity to this demonstration.

Detection and barbecue

These accusations are rejected by the organizers of the Vicq rally, the opening of which took place without a hitch. “The Drac tried on Thursday to have our meeting canceled by suggesting that we did not have prefectural authorization and that we were looters. But we are not doing anything illegal since we are burying tokens”assures Chantal Dezan, with the support of the mayor of the town, Jacky Horiot. “The gendarmes came to see what we were doing and, for them, everything was in order”, she added on Saturday evening. Scandalized by the reaction of the Drac, the president of the association insists on the character “friendly and family” of the day : “the arrival of 300 people also benefits the surrounding lodges, at the end of the summer season”.

Powerless in the face of the precautions taken by the association, Thierry Bonin does not intend to give up and recalls that an important lever for action in the face of this type of gathering lies in the hands of the communities. “It is the heritage of the municipalities; they could better grasp it and act directly in favor of their protection”. Contacted the day before the event, the community of communes of Savoir-Faire, to which Vicq belongs, assured that it was not associated with the organization of the rally.

For those who have a strong interest in History and the preservation of Heritage, metal detecting constitutes an inexhaustible source of knowledge.

French Metal Detecting Federation

The archaeological community has been wary of the activity of detectorists for many years. Distrust has increased since the Covid-19 pandemic and its successive confinements. The practice now has more than 250,000 believers according to the French Metal Detection Federation. This national reference organization, to which Vikings Détect.52 is attached, defends on his website a “leisure detection” destined to “clean up the soil”et “search for missing objects”. Without forgetting to praise the “inexhaustible source of knowledge” what constitutes this activity “for those who have a strong interest in History and the preservation of Heritage”.

Considering themselves stigmatized in France, the detectorists observe with envy the “virtuous collaborative system» implemented by legislation in the United Kingdom or in Scandinavian countries. The archaeological news of these countries is regularly spiced up with announcements of prodigious discoveries made by amateur researchers transformed into treasure hunters. One of the latest – the find near Stavanger, Norway, a treasure trove of jewelry and gold medallions dated from the Iron Age – has neither more nor less been described as “find of the century” by Norwegian conservatives.

Dialogue of the deaf

However, a series of conferences and exhibitions presented in recent years from Paris to Marseille have reminded us of the disastrous consequences of the activity of detectorists for scientific research. Because pulling objects from the earth is a profession. And digging up the inevitable remains on which these wanderers end up coming across amounts to destroying data surrounding the property in question.

Brandishing the concept of “leisure detection” all over the place has the sole ambition of circumventing the law.

Xavier Delestre, general curator of heritage at Drac Paca

“It is crucial to study objects in their context, because this can, for example, make it possible to date an entire excavation layer. Otherwise, research permanently loses information.recalled in July to Figaro archaeologist Vincent Michel. “Broadly brandishing the concept of “leisure detection” has the sole ambition of circumventing the law”also decides the general curator of heritage Xavier Delestre in his book Archaeological looting, the orphans of history (2021, Drac Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur).

The dialogue of the deaf thus continues through prevention campaigns concocted by the various players in French archeology and festive gatherings of budding detectorists. The acrimony of each side is transferred to social networks where, like climate specialists harassed by climate skeptics, archaeologists must now clash on a daily basis with supporters of detection. “On Facebook, detectives tell us that we do not know the law, that it is not clear or that the Heritage Code only applies to professionalstakes offense Fabien Langry-François. There still remains a vast amount of educational work to be accomplished.”


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