Ganzourgou: Improving CEP results at the heart of the Education forum | AIB

by time news

2023-09-15 00:23:55
Ganzourgou education stakeholders and partners are committed to achieving at least 85% success in the CEP in the province for the 2024 session.

Ganzourgou: Improving CEP results at the heart of the Education Forum

Zorgho, (AIB) – Education stakeholders and partners in the Ganzourgou province held a forum on education on September 12, 2023 in the meeting room of the Zorgho town hall. Carried out as part of the implementation of the Project to improve the quality of education by the School-community Collaboration (PAQER-CEC), this forum had the theme “Improving results in the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP ) in the province of Ganzourgou: difficulties and possible solutions. »

The first forum on education in the province of Ganzourgou brought together regional and provincial officials in charge of education, heads of basic education districts, educational supervisors, presidents of special delegations from communes, directors schools, teachers, education partners such as COGES, unions, opinion leaders, representatives of mining companies in the province and representatives of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The objective is to identify possible solutions at the local level to improve CEP results in the province from 79.88% achieved in 2023 to 85% in 2024.

Under the chairmanship of the High Commissioner of Ganzourgou, Aminata Sorgho/Gouba, the participants reflected on the subject. Through communications and group work, they took stock of the results of the CEP, examined the difficulties and identified possible solutions.

The DPEPPNF of Ganzourgou, Ms. Nobila Célestine Zagré/Zoungrana, was delighted with the results of the forum.

From the communication made by the provincial director of preschool, primary and non-formal education of Ganzourgou, Ms. Nobila Célestine Zagré/Zoungrana, we note that the CEP results have evolved unevenly during the last three sessions. From one CEB to another, the gap between success rates is remarkable. According to her, the success rate of 79.88% achieved in 2023 in the province is appreciable but much remains to be done. For her, for a question of fairness, we must also think about the 20.12% failure rate. She exposed some difficulties which undermine the production of good results in the basic education districts (CEB) before inviting inspectors Adama Kabré and Emmanuel Ouédraogo respectively from the CEBs of Méguet and Salogo who have made significant leaps in their results in sharing their experiences with others.

To achieve 85% success in the CEP session of 2024, the forum participants then resolved to strengthen and improve monitoring-support and educational supervision, to support students for better learning and to involve the community in management. educational structures.

To operationalize these resolutions, each group of stakeholders made realistic and achievable commitments. They also recommended that the Ministry of National Education, Literacy and the Promotion of National Languages ​​(MENAPLN) ensure continuing training for teachers each year, especially teachers and co-teachers of CM2 classes, to re-read the decree limiting repetition, to provide CEBs with means of travel and to provide schools with textbooks and solar panels.

The High Commissioner, Aminata Sorgho/Gouba (middle) welcomed the initiation of this forum.

For effective monitoring of commitments, participants decided to create stakeholder groups on social networks, use tools containing teachers’ commitments during supervisors’ monitoring outings, and use monitoring sheets actions of COGES and the creation of platforms at the CEB and DPEPPNF level for sharing experiences.

The High Commissioner, Aminata Sorgho/Gouba congratulated the PAQER-CEC for the initiation of this forum. For her, it is a forum for calling on everyone to achieve synergy of action around education. “The school cannot be effective while remaining isolated from the community. » did she say. She welcomed the effective presence of all stakeholders and hoped that the implementation of everyone’s commitments could contribute to achieving the set objectives.

As a reminder, PAQER-CEC is a project set up by MENAPLN in collaboration with JICA to promote quality education through School-Community collaboration. It operates in six provinces: Kadiogo, Oubritenga, Kourwéogo, Ganzourgou, Bazèga and Boulkiemdé. Launched in March 2021, it is in its second implementation period since July 2023. It will end in March 2025.

Burkina Faso Information Agency


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