Hundreds Gather in Saltsjöbaden to Honor Beaten Teenage Boy – Torchlight Procession and Vigil

by time news

Hundreds Gather in Saltsjöbaden to Honor Teenage Boy Beaten to Death

Updated 00:19 | Published 00:15

Saltsjöbaden, Sweden – On Sunday evening, hundreds of people gathered in Saltsjöbaden to pay tribute to a teenage boy who was tragically beaten to death. Carrying placards and torches, the crowd walked the streets in remembrance of the young victim.

“I didn’t think it was true when I heard it. It took a toll,” expressed a boy of the same age, reflecting the shock and disbelief felt by many in the community.

The torchlight procession, organized to honor the deceased teenager, commenced shortly after 8 p.m. at Solsidan’s station in Saltsjöbaden. Several hundred individuals, including friends, classmates, and parents, came together to bid farewell to the boy, who had succumbed to his injuries after being treated for over a month.

The incident took place on August 9 when the boy was found seriously injured outside in Gustavsberg on Värmdö in Stockholm. Initially, the police launched a preliminary investigation into a serious assault but have now upgraded it to a murder case.

“I couldn’t believe it. When I heard that someone I know and went to school with died, it was like a shock,” said the boy, still in disbelief over the tragic loss.

During the torchlight procession, many attendees wore sports jerseys with the boy’s name on them, while others held posters of him celebrating a victorious moment after a game. The crowd, after marching a few hundred meters, gathered in a crescent and found solace in each other’s support as the boy’s music teacher played a poignant acoustic rendition of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” prompting everyone to join in singing.

“I think it is very nice that so many people from Saltis are standing up. Also, outside Saltis, to show sympathy and respect,” expressed another teenage boy, grateful for the support shown by the community.

In related news, the boy initially arrested and detained on suspicion of the assault has been released. The district court did not find probable grounds for murder. However, another person under the age of 15 is suspected of being an accomplice to the crime.

“This is a very sensitive and tragic case. When it comes to young people, we always have an obligation to investigate everything extra quickly,” stated prosecutor Hanna Loftås.

The torchlight procession not only honored the memory of the young victim but also highlighted the mounting concern among young people towards the escalating violence in their community.

“Unfortunately, it’s a shame that you go around thinking about it. Not to get into a fight and what the consequences could be in that case. You have to think too much,” shared one of the participants, emphasizing the need for greater awareness and prevention of such incidents.

As the community mourns the loss of the teenage boy, the torchlight procession serves as a poignant reminder of the unity and solidarity that can be found in times of grief.

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