Did you know that the Events Guild is now part of the CIG? This was its launch

by time news

2023-09-14 21:19:49

The Guatemalan Chamber of Industry (CIG) recently announced the creation of a new union attached to the institution: the Guatemalan Events Industry Guild (GE), which seeks to promote collaboration and the creation of strategic alliances between the members of the Chamber. union, with the support of CIG, to strengthen the events union and expand its presence in the national and international market.

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This union seeks to develop and promote the growth of professionals and companies in the events sector, promoting collaboration, professionalization and good practices. The GE will work to lead this sector, based on the excellence and sustainability of the industry and promoting Guatemala as a reliable destination.

“Our Guild has been promoted by entrepreneurs from the events industry interested in promoting and positioning events in our country as an attractive, innovative and high-quality option in the national and international market. The events industry is an essential driver of the Guatemalan economy and culture. As we have demonstrated during these challenging times, we are a resilient industry that adapts to changing circumstances,” said Luis Pedro Morales Castellanos, president of GE.

It should be noted that the union also seeks to provide continuous, technical and business training to increase the knowledge and skills of its members and non-members, and thus promote excellence in its operations; represent the interests of the social and corporate events union before public and private institutions, seeking the promotion of favorable policies and regulations; and position the social and corporate events industry at a national and international level. The launch of the GE was announced at a press conference, organized by the CIG. (Credit. CIG):


Among the projects and activities they plan to carry out, the development of networking, the creation of a directory, business coaching, talks and training stand out. Likewise, they will carry out the Congress Festival, Industry Awards and participate in different national and international fairs and events to publicize the Guatemalan events industry.

“Our industry is a vital engine for the economic growth and cultural development of Guatemala. “Every event we plan and execute is not only a celebration, but also an opportunity to showcase the creativity, diversity and richness of our culture and to build meaningful connections,” added Diana Sciarrillo, GE Vice President.

At the moment, the CIG already has 52 affiliated unions, which represent the most important industrial sectors in Guatemala. Through union work, the institution promotes, defends and benefits the different sectors of the industry. From CIG, strategies are generated to encourage the participation of its member companies within the union, with the purpose that each individual company, regardless of its size or line of business, finds at least one union in which it can actively participate to generate positive changes.

In this sense, Carmen Maria Torrebiarte, director of the CIG board of directors, indicated that the events sector in Guatemala is one of those that is constantly growing and developing, and that events, in addition to generating income and jobs, are the ideal door to promote a destination and attract more tourism, in addition to becoming investment attraction opportunities.

“In this context, regarding the tourism field, it is worth mentioning that it is one of the five pillars of the great country plan “Guatemala Doesn’t Stop”, which we promote from CIG, which seeks to strengthen the institutional framework that allows attract investments for the development of the tourism sector and thus increase tourism income from 2.7% to 10% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2030,” he concluded.

#Events #Guild #part #CIG #launch

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