The power of applied faith | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-09-17 11:00:12

Is it possible to experience a life free of fear and reach that place within ourselves where peace and conviction reign supreme and create a kingdom governed by laws aligned with our true dreams? Join me and together we will explore a journey into yourself where you will learn to close the door of fear in order to open the door of faith and embrace its unlimited power with which you will receive infinite rewards.

Thanks to the vision and faith of a man like Napoleon Hill, today we can use this master key that unlocks immeasurable power, “the power of applied faith.” This concept does not refer to a mere belief, but in essence reflects something much greater, a heart with unwavering conviction without room for doubt, indecision and fear.

But how do we achieve such a feat? How can we get rid of doubt, combat fear and embrace faith?

Faith is a very high internal state, it is the result that you obtain after having faced your fears and having defeated them, it is a conquest of your soul, the mastery of your mind and the connection with the divine, with that something greater than yourself. , God, Universe, Universal Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, you decide.

It is impossible to achieve faith and unlock its unlimited power without a belief in a higher being. Observation and contemplation, feeling, prayer and meditation are legitimate paths that will lead you to it.

Your consciousness is a tool that allows you to connect with the external world and with everything in it, but it is also a resource that you can take advantage of to connect with that invisible world that is beyond your skin, your mind and your body, when you immerse yourself through conscious breathing, prayer or meditation you can explore it and connect with what really defines you beyond your body suit, beyond your fears, your doubts, your limiting beliefs, what defines is that unlimited power of faith, of faith in yourself, when you connect with this deep belief in yourself, in your capacity and determination, a universe of infinite possibilities opens before your eyes.

The power of these inner experiences has shaped human history time and time again, Gandhi is an example that reflects the essence of this principle and demonstrates how his spiritual convictions achieved significant changes that impacted and transformed the world.

This ability of our mind to discover, embrace and expand powerful ideas and purposes is further proof of our ability to achieve a connection with that unlimited potential and adapt it to our highest goals and this is only achieved through applied faith, which is only achieved by connecting with our inner world.

Faith helps us condition our mind to achieve all our goals and objectives, even those that seem impossible, even those in which there seems to be no visible path. Applied faith is when the power of infinite intelligence, of God or the universe operates in favor of your purpose, then the miracles you expected begin to manifest in your life.

Applied faith is the strength, the essence of this philosophy of personal achievement and the source of energy to put into action powerful thoughts renewed by faith.

I want you to know that the path of faith is not an easy and smooth path, it is simply not possible to say: I have faith and sit back and wait for instant results to come just by believing, passive faith has no effect on the material world, Faith without action is dead faith, and its mechanisms will come into operation only when your faith is followed by aligned actions. Remember that faith is a mental and spiritual state that must be cultivated daily through prayer, meditation and self-observation and the more you train and use these powerful internal tools, the more your life will open to this power. And the more you see this power at work in your life, the easier it will be for you to act in faith.

Overcoming fear: An important part of opening your mind to faith is getting rid of the fears that limit it. There are seven basic fears and almost everyone suffers from at least one, others like me had to learn to conquer them all.

An exercise in self-observation would be to recognize which of these fears predominate in your life and look for resources that will help you eliminate them.

Fear of poverty
Fear of criticism
Fear of poor health
Fear of loss of love
Fear of old age
Fear of loss of freedom
fear of death
Human nature tends to fear everything it does not understand.
Replace fear with hope

Learn to put it aside, because what you fear will follow you. Your mind attracts everything you think about. Most people spend their lives putting all their attention and energy on the things they don’t want to happen and they are probably the ones they experience the most: Where you put your attention you put your energy and that grows and expands.

Wouldn’t it be better to refuse to think about the things you don’t want and feed your mind with images of the things you do want?

There is nothing more important than learning the art of keeping your mind focused on the things and circumstances you really want. This is the greatest application of applied faith you can do. When your mind has a defined purpose, it is in a position to begin to have faith. And when you have faith, you can call on infinite intelligence to apply it.

Faith exists only as long as you use it. You can’t develop muscles if you don’t use them, you can’t increase your capital if you don’t invest it. Persistent action backed by a defined purpose will increase your faith.

Steps to strengthen faith:

One: adopt a defined main purpose and start achieving it.

Two: affirm the object of your desire through prayer morning and night. Inspire your imagination to see yourself already in possession of it. When you reach a goal, set a new one. Don’t allow complacency to set in. You will obtain precisely the success that you can imagine for yourself. Cultivate that vision every day, in every way you can.

Three: Give each goal a powerful intention, associate a compelling reason to do what you want to do. If your motives include a good house, a good car visualizes the things around them. For example, where you would travel with your car, visualize yourself driving to that place you dream of, with the house, visualize yourself walking through every corner of it. Don’t hesitate to use your imagination to fuel your burning desire.

Five: Associate yourself with people who agree with you and your core purpose and get their encouragement. We all need people to push us.

Six: Don’t let a day go by without taking at least one definitive step toward achieving your main purpose.

Seven: choose a reference, someone prosperous, self-sufficient and successful and decide not only to reach that person but to pass them by.

Eight: surround yourself with books, images, mottos, choose things that symbolize and reinforce achievement and self-sufficiency. Create an atmosphere of support and encouragement. Always have a notebook on hand to write down things you hear and read that inspire you.

Nine: never run away from unpleasant circumstances, fight them with all your resources right where you are standing and without delay.

Adverse circumstances are testing devices, remember that you are what you are and where you are because of your dominant thoughts in your mind.

Ten: remember that anything worth having has a definite price. Anything worth having is worth working for.

Do not under any circumstances allow your faith to die, there are times when it weakens and you have to take some of these actions to keep it alive.

Today, in a world full of challenges, obstacles and distractions that divert us from our true purpose, Hill’s applied faith remains a guide that reminds us that within each and every one of us lies the strength of unlimited potential and that enough have faith in ourselves, believe with all our hearts, with our minds and with our spirit so that we can break the chains of fear, challenge all our limitations, thus overcoming any adversity and achieving the unimaginable.

With love, Luisa Aciar.


Instagram: @luisaaciar

By Luisa Aciar
Napoleon Hill Lead Instructor
y Bioneurocoach

#power #applied #faith #Cuyos #diary

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