10 tips that you should implement to raise your children’s self-esteem

by time news

2023-09-18 20:00:41

Children’s family environment plays a key role in shaping their self-esteem. Praising efforts, promoting autonomy and setting limits are some strategies to help your children feel confident in themselves.

Last update: September 18, 2023

Different attitudes and daily decisions influence the construction of children’s self-esteem. It is formed from numerous everyday situations and actions, in addition to social relationships. Show affection, motivate them to pursue their interests and do not place your own expectations on them These are tips to raise your children’s self-esteem.

In this sense, the attitudes that parents adopt in certain contexts have a great influence on the self-esteem of their children. For them to feel safe and confident in themselves, the role of caregivers becomes essential.

Follow these tips to raise your children’s self-esteem

Although all children are different and some improve their self-esteem more easily, there are strategies that help boost self-confidence. Furthermore, in complex situations, it is also possible to strengthen self-love with appropriate actions.

1. Praise and reward efforts

Children increase their self-esteem if their achievements are rewarded. However, it is important to focus more on the efforts that lead to the goal, and not so much on the victory itself. Achieve objectives and have recognition, enhances security and encourages us to continue trying.

However, excessive praise is not recommended, both in children and adolescents, as it may seem fake. Children detect sincere congratulations and when, on the contrary, it is forced.

2. Show affection

Making them feel loved, contained and valued also positively influences self-esteem. We must avoid the fact that they must earn love through achievements.

Affection is unconditional. Sharing quality time with them is important in this regard, making evident the accompaniment “no matter what happens.”

3. Make criticisms and set limits

Criticism of bad behavior or attitudes must exist, although it must be constructive and never hurtful. You should not criticize the person, but to the action that was executed incorrectly. On the other hand, when adults set the example, without openly criticizing others, children learn by imitation.

4. Stimulate interests

Paint, draw, make crafts or write stories. All children cultivate favorite activities.

Encouraging them is a way to raise their self-esteem and can be decisive for future elections. However, tastes tend to change, and this should not prevent them from being encouraged.

5. Promote autonomy

A fundamental aspect for children to feel safe and confident is encourage them to perform tasks on their own. Always under adequate tutelage and care, when a child performs a satisfactory action, his self-esteem improves and his self-confidence increases.

6. Boost your pride

In conjunction with the previous point, creating the conditions for children to feel proud of themselves and their abilities is positive for self-esteem. They must be taught to perform certain tasks and Allow them to make mistakes until they achieve them.

7. Promote social relationships

Self-esteem is not only formed in the family environment, but also in the social bonds that children cultivate through schooling and extracurricular activities. Encouraging them to interact is positive for developing their social skills. They must feel valued in all areas where they participate.

8. Consider their opinion

In the case of adolescent children, It is important to take their opinions into account and include them in decisions that affect them. This covers everyday tasks, such as modifying the decoration of the room, and even participating in talks about the future of the family environment.

9. Avoid the negative “Pygmalion effect”

A widely used theory in the psychology of child and adolescent development is the one that relates the “Pygmalion effect”, also called by the name “Rosenthal effect” or “self-fulfilling prophecy.” The term “Pygmalion effect” refers to an ancient Greek sculptor who carved the woman of her dreams and placed such expectations in her that through the intervention of the goddess Aphrodite, she ended up coming to life.

What the effect describes is that Explicitly placing expectations on a child or adolescent ends up directly influencing their performance.. The effect can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, that is, the person does what was expected of him, driven by the foresight itself.

Of course, this can encompass positive and negative effects on self-esteem, which depend on the nature of the expectation. It is recommended that children carry out their tasks independently and without influence of what adults expect. Especially if the forecast is negative.

10. Avoid comparisons

Just as it is important not to fall into self-fulfilling prophecies, it is also important to avoid comparisons with other children. It is better to encourage their own interests and help them find and develop their skills. Comparing them to their peers can lead to a negative feeling of competition.

Raising self-esteem in your children is a daily task

Children with good self-esteem feel more secure, proud and confident in themselves.. Additionally, they are more prepared to face mistakes and try again.

It is very likely that these attitudes will lead to better school performance and more positive social relationships. At the same time, they will have a good influence on their development.

#tips #implement #raise #childrens #selfesteem

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