Weekly horoscope from September 11th to 17th: This is how your stars are | Life & Knowledge

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2023-09-11 09:27:35

A new week begins!

A look at the stars reveals a lot and can improve your entire week. What does the weekly horoscope have in store for you? A fateful encounter, money or just stress at work?

Read the horoscope for your zodiac sign for the week from September 11th to 17th here!

Zodiac sign Aries (March 21st to April 20th)

★ Aries, the first sign in the zodiac, is a martial path paver. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

Venus sends out happy vibes and Mars stokes the erotic fire. As a single you need more variety now. You are in the mood for adventures that can certainly lead to love. In a relationship you provide erotic fuel and new tingles.

► Work & Finance

You like to plan generously and don’t feel like turning over the penny twice. But right now it’s worth paying attention to cheap offers. Things run smoothly at work thanks to harmonious Venus vibes. People show you more sympathy and trust.

► Fitness & Feeling

Venus triggers your indulgent side. You like to eat well and often crave something spicy or sweet. But you also ensure balance: you plan a few extra laps while jogging and the calories are already worked off.

Zodiac sign Taurus (April 21st to May 20th)

★ Taurus is a child of Venus and represents luxury for all the senses. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

As a single you are confident, but your flirting experiences could be described as contradictory. The stars are rather challenging and so it will take a while until you know whether you are in love or not. Understanding and tenderness now count more in relationships. You have to build new trust and you should give yourself the necessary time to do so.

► Work & Finance

Teamwork is a bit tiring for you at the moment. You like to work alone and need more distance from your superiors and please don’t have too strict rules. You think innovatively and feel exactly what the zeitgeist demands. While things are going smoothly at work, you are gliding smoothly along financially. The Mercury-Jupiter mix gives you lucrative opportunities.

► Fitness & Feeling

You clearly feel that you aren’t getting much use out of exercising at the moment. Instead, you need wellness, massages and me time. Walks or hikes in nature have a particularly positive effect on you.

Zodiac sign Gemini (May 21st to June 21st)

★ Gemini is the zodiac’s inexhaustible source of ideas. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

You are out for conquests and flirt at every opportunity. Something is happening, thanks to Venus and Mars you are successful at flirting. Couples move forward with shared plans. This is a good phase in which you understand each other well and also become closer emotionally.

► Work & Finance

Mars makes you aggressive. You are up for a new challenge and are ready to give your full effort to new tasks. However, you insist on justice and tend to exaggerate a bit. When it comes to contract and price negotiations, you can get ahead with a little more diplomacy.

► Fitness & Feeling

Power planet Mars strengthens your immune system and your health awareness. You eat a higher quality diet, like to exercise and maintain a good work-life balance. Venus supports you in this and gives your complexion a fresh glow.

Zodiac sign Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

★ Cancer is the master of emotions in the zodiac. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

Flirting is fast-paced, Mars tickles your sense of adventure. But be careful: you react more sensitively than expected. Better take your time. First check whether the human aspect fits before you head for the bedroom with your flirt. Couples need more tenderness and talking time. A few small things need to be re-tuned.

► Work & Finance

Working with others works well because you communicate clearly. Possible problems can be quickly resolved and new trust can be built. When it comes to finances, Mercury and Jupiter offer you top conditions. One or two bargains are waiting for you!

► Fitness & Feeling

Jupiter and Saturn help you break away from annoying habits and gain a new lightness. You will find exactly the right body shape program. When you’re doing fitness training, you don’t get too excited and instead you enjoy plenty of soul food.

Zodiac sign Leo (July 23rd to August 23rd)

★ Leo is the sun child and king of all zodiac signs. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

Venus and Mars underline your sexy charisma. As a single you get lots of likes and matches. And a live date also delivers what you promise. In a relationship you show yourself to be tender and loving and enjoy every moment together.

► Work & Finance

You like to get involved. Things work best when you tackle creative projects: Venus gives you a great feel for style issues and trends. You also appear likeable and quickly win the sympathy of financially strong customers.

► Fitness & Feeling

You’re really excited about everything that’s coming up. You feel fit, tackle your job and also make time for sports and leisure activities. But it’s not just continuous power that’s important. Venus helps you relax. Beauty treatments and wellness work quickly and make you shine.

Zodiac sign Virgo (August 24th to September 23rd)

★ Virgo is known for its changeable perfectionism. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

This week there are no cosmic impulses to get you going. Routine dominates in relationships. If that’s not enough for you, then let your imagination run wild. If you’re single, you need a break from dating and would rather spend time with your friends.

► Work & Finance

Mercury and Jupiter bring you luck for all long-term projects. You are assured of recognition and you can confidently take on more responsibility. Favorable opportunities arise for you when you make larger purchases.

► Fitness & Feeling

Jupiter and Uranus provide you with spiritual power. You develop good intuition and can rely on your gut feeling. You feel what’s good for you: when you eat, when you exercise and how you relax in your own personal way.

Zodiac sign Libra (September 24th to October 23rd)

★ Libra is the zodiac sign of beauty. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

As a single you will be pampered by the stars and make contact with likeable people who you really like. Great love is not far away either. Couples feel familiar with each other. You two can talk about anything and enjoy stimulating sex.

► Work & Finance

Your charming and communicative manner is very well received in your job environment. People like you because you are fair. Nevertheless, you pay attention to your advantages: you insist on recognition and appropriate payment for good work. Mars in charming Libra helps you achieve your goals.

► Fitness & Feeling

At the moment it is very easy for you to refresh your everyday life and look positively forward. Mars gives you turbo energy: whatever you set out to do, you achieve. You tackle every project and really give it your all during fitness training. But there is always enough time to enjoy and relax.

Zodiac sign Scorpio (October 24th to November 22nd)

★ Scorpio is the seductive, enigmatic sign in the zodiac. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

Things are going high in your relationship. Every day is different: sometimes there is harmony, then there is a crash again. It’s good that you can have a good chat with the person you love and quickly resolve any disagreements. As a single you need a long leash. You prefer to flirt online, but keep an emotional distance.

► Work & Finance

Good opportunities are in sight! You practically attract bargains and financial opportunities. Sun and Mercury provide ideal cosmic vibes for negotiations, PR and communication. Whether mindset or financial planning: you get to the point.

► Fitness & Feeling

Saturn builds you up and brings you inner peace. Mercury is also going well and strengthens your intellectual power. When it comes to fitness training, however, you have a little less grit. You’d rather take a leisurely walk than exhaust yourself in the gym.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st)

★ Sagittarius is the lucky one among the zodiac signs. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

You feel well. Venus strengthens your self-confidence and gives you plenty of charisma and sex appeal. Flirting and dating are booming for you. Relationships also come into flow. Venus gives you the right impulses to make your interactions special.

► Work & Finance

You get along well with a certain job routine. It is more important to you to work in a harmonious environment than to follow the big challenge. What’s great is that Venus helps you design creative projects with a lot of skill and style. You conduct negotiations more diplomatically than usual.

► Fitness & Feeling

Venus and Mars help you improve your work-life balance and achieve great inner balance. You take care of yourself, recover at regular intervals and eat consciously. You enjoy your free time more intensively than usual.

Zodiac sign Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th)

★ Capricorn is the careerist among the zodiac signs. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

As a single, you are open to new contacts and completely relaxed. You also feel comfortable solo and just let everything come to you. If you flirt, you’re happy about it. If not, that’s okay too. Relationships are tender and loving. Long conversations about your longings, wishes and dreams are particularly good for you and bring new closeness.

► Work & Finance

Business planet Mercury and luck guru Jupiter are enabling a real coup this week. What you tackle will be good for you and your career. You take advantage of good opportunities, find bargains and think long-term.

► Fitness & Feeling

This week the stars point more to enjoyment of life than to sporting highlights. The Sun and Jupiter strengthen your optimism. You treat yourself to a little extra in everyday life: be it with care or a special treat. This has to be easy now.

Zodiac sign Aquarius (January 21st to February 19th)

★ Aquarius is the eccentric in the zodiac. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

Look forward to a kick of freshness: Erotic Mars provides an initial spark, enlivens your sex life and tickles your desire for more. As a single, you need variety and want to rediscover yourself. Great love is not an issue now, you would rather try it out.

► Work & Finance

You know what you want and what you can deliver. Your power stars make a lot of things possible and tickle your interest in challenging tasks. As a team leader, you are strong and enjoy taking responsibility. When it comes to your finances, however, it is worth adopting a stricter savings program.

► Fitness & Feeling

When it comes to sport and body power, things are going really well this week. Mars acts as a motor. You need more commitment, you want to exercise and take on all sorts of challenges. Stress bounces off you, nothing is too much for you now.

Zodiac sign Pisces (February 20th to March 20th)

★ Pisces are the dreamy seducers among the zodiac signs. This is what your week looks like:

► Love & Friends

Jupiter and Neptune make you sensitive. As a single you play with your options. You send likes, but flirt without commitment and disappear when things become more concrete. Closeness quickly becomes too much for you. In a relationship you are currently dealing with doubts. Don’t withdraw if something bothers you, but talk about it openly.

► Work & Finance

Uranus sharpens your eye for trends that will help you advance personally. This week is the ideal opportunity for you to reform your everyday work routine in one point or another. You solve technical tasks perfectly. Although you have financial benefits in mind, you still need to pay more attention to the details.

► Fitness & Feeling

Your nerves are less resilient right now. With good time management, you can still get through the week in a relaxed manner. Meditation and times of peace are very good for you. Saturn and Neptune also allow you to sleep well.

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