«Puigdemont is better off if we buy time»

by time news

2023-09-19 02:35:54

The acting Government is playing today in Brussels with a single card, which consists of getting its initiative, forced by Carles Puigdemont, admitted for processing, to make Catalan, Basque and Galician official languages ​​of the EU – there are currently 24 – without first requiring any legal report.

Aware of the general European rejection of this demand by the former president of the Generalitat, aimed at advancing the recognition of Catalonia as a Nation, the “play” of the Government in office to overcome the opposition of its partners involves forcing its proposal to be admitted to process, and that it will be later when that legal report is requested that analyzes the viability of this initiative.

With this kick forward, which has a lot of theatrical play, they hope to calm Puigdemont and that the negotiation for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez continues its course.

Our diplomacy knows that most countries want this legal report to be issued before deciding whether or not to accept the proposal of the acting Spanish Government for processing, and this second option is equivalent to a “No” in the community dynamic.

This is what explains why all the efforts are focused on buying time and throwing the “ball” forward, knowing that the chances of Puigdemont’s demand succeeding are practically zero.

The former president of the Generalitat, a fugitive from Justice, has harshly criticized ERC in recent years for its “collaborationism” in Madrid in exchange for nothing, and on this basis he has built an epic story that has allowed him to keep the ranks tight. more radical aspects of sovereignty. Downfalls, but tied to this discursive construction.

However, in Moncloa they believe that by selling that the independence demand has already entered the circuit of the community bureaucracy, even if it has no chance of prospering, it will be enough for Puigdemont to pretend that he is hanging on a medal and the negotiation remains open.

In Spanish diplomacy they warn that the Union is a multilingual and multicultural bloc, and this is what explains why the partners are very reluctant to open the door to new official languages, which, in turn, would cause these demands to multiply. inside the countries. In the Spanish case, Sánchez’s needs to remain in Moncloa have meant that this step has already been taken, and today the Congress of Deputies releases the headphones that Puigdemont has also demanded as a prerequisite before negotiating his conditions to support a coalition government.

The option that Puigdemont could use the decision taken today in Europe as an excuse to slam the door on the talks does not fall within Moncloa’s calculations. The analysis, in Madrid’s key, is based on the principle that Puigdemont cannot throw overboard the “unique” opportunity he has to find a solution to his personal situation and to rebuild a party that is in low moments in politically and from an economic point of view. That is why they expect complicity from him in that he is “understanding of the financial, political and legal implications of a decision such as the one required of the EU.” “It is in the hands of third parties,” so the acting Government hopes that it will be enough for the debate to flow, in a setting in which all parties know that it is condemned to fall from the agenda. For now, as Spain presides over the Council of the EU this semester, it can set the times and not force a vote, which has also encouraged Moncloa to take it for granted that they will emerge well from this exam against the independence movement.

«It is enough for Puigdemont that we buy time. He knows that it is practically impossible for what he proposes to succeed. It is enough for him to accept the procedure and get the ball rolling. From this approach, they remember that in 2004 the Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero already requested official recognition in the EU of the Spanish co-official languages, and already proposed, just as now, that a modification be made to the current Regulation in which it is established the linguistic regime of the institutions of the Union. It was not achieved and the atmosphere between European countries has not changed significantly since then.

While the outcome of this European debate is considered to be quite amortized, the acting Government is “heating up” the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo with a hardening of its public position in the face of the ongoing negotiation. And there comes this intersection of statements in which the Madrid side insists on setting as a condition the renunciation of unilateralism and that, in addition, it is accepted that the processing of the amnesty, named in another way, will occur after Sánchez has passed the test of the Congress vote. To date, Junts has not made any reference to these demands.

In fact, what is encouraging is that the independence movement is warning that at no time will they lower their maximum conditions. ERC and Junts feed each other to see who costs more for supporting Sánchez.

Aragonès hopes that the officialdom of the Catalan is endorsed

The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, hopes that the Council of the European Union (EU) will endorse this Wednesday the official status of Catalan, and calls on the Government to use “all its strength and diplomatic capacity” to achieve a consensus between the member states. . “We hope that Europe supports the right of the citizens of Catalonia to be able to use our language,” he said yesterday in statements to the media. Furthermore, Aragonès stressed that Catalan is a “European language spoken by 10 million” people, more than others that are already official in the EU. On the other hand, in an article published in La Repubblica (Italy), Público (Portugal), Table.Media (Germany) and Nacional (Croatia), the president claimed the official status of Catalan in the EU for “linguistic equality.”

#Puigdemont #buy #time

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