Arévalo will present protection before the CSJ this Monday, September 18

by time news

2023-09-16 21:30:00

Bernardo Arevaloelected president of the country and even general secretary of the political party Seed Movementannounced through his social networks that he will be taking action before the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) with a protection so that “the constitutional order is restored.”

In the constitutional action, which Arévalo and his work team will file, they will also request the dismissal of several fiscal and judicial actors in the country.

“The amparo requests the dismissal of the Attorney General, Consuelo Porras; the FECI prosecutor, Rafael Curruchiche; and the judge, Fredy Orellana,” he mentions Arevalo. Since he considers that by using his constitutional function “they deny Guatemalans to live in a democracy.”

The presentation of the protection

In the video published on his social account CSJ Human Rights Plaza located in zone 1 of the Capital City.

In addition to assisting with his work team, Arévalo made a call to the Guatemalan population in general to accompany them in this constitutional action next week.

“This would be a manifestation of the national rejection that exists against the attempts they are making to violate the popular will freely expressed at the polls and that is why we want to invite massive participation,” he added.

Amparo sent to the CSJ

In the next few days this organization will know the protection, this would be the second that the highest court of justice of the Judicial Branch in the country would hear in the period of less than a week.

It is worth remembering that last Thursday, September 14, an amparo presented by the Semilla Movement filed before the Constitutional Court was referred to the CSJ.

It sought to annul Judge Orellana’s resolution that allowed the Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Impunity (FECI) to carry out several raids in the Electoral Process Operations Center (COPE) of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal.

“For reasons of jurisdiction, a certified copy of the initial document of the amparo request was sent to the Supreme Court of Justice, constituted as the Amparo Court, to continue with the corresponding process,” explained the CC.

#Arévalo #present #protection #CSJ #Monday #September

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