MK Nissim Vattori and Likud Activists Enjoy Pampering Cruise to Rhodes

by time news

Title: Likud Activists Enjoy Pampering Cruise with MK Nissim Vattori

Subtitle: Controversial politician avoids media attention while fellow activists make the most of their vacation

Date: [Insert date]

By: [Insert author]

As reported by “News 12” two months ago, MK Nissim Vattori, along with approximately 100 other Likud activists, embarked on a luxurious cruise to Rhodes last week. While the invited ministers and MKs chose not to join the cruise, the spotlight eventually found Vattori aboard his “Ivaniada” ship.

Even before Vattori delivered his first speech, introducing himself and countering criticisms against him, his aides wasted no time in mingling with the vacationers on the cruise. As the ship made its way to Rhodes, the Likud activists took advantage of the downtime between meetings, some indulging in the ship’s casino while others admired the picturesque landscapes. Vattori himself, in flip flops, discovered that being tall did not necessarily make him a skilled basketball player.

During the voyage, Vattori addressed the attendees and defended himself against the criticisms he faced. In one of the meetings, “News 12” investigators got acquainted with some of the participants. Erez Miara, a previous convict sentenced to 8 months in prison, was among them. Miara recently sparked controversy by assaulting protesters celebrating in front of Minister Itamar Ben Gabir and subsequently stripping naked. Another activist named Y., hailing from the south, expressed dissatisfaction with Vattori’s performance, stating, “He has nothing to sell.” Furthermore, Vattori received a message regarding the methods of gaining access to the Knesset, suggesting such practices had become routine. The following day, the ship docked in Rhodes, allowing for a break from politics as the attendees enjoyed dancing and some light-hearted fun.

Of note, among the Likud activists, there was a convicted felon who had served time in prison. This revelation raised eyebrows and added to the controversies surrounding Vattori and his entourage.

In the third session, Vattori stepped up, addressing criticisms over the apartment he rented in Jerusalem and who it was truly intended for. He also remarked on an interview he abandoned but which had significant impact despite the brevity of the exchange. Additionally, attendees had the opportunity to gain insights on security matters from individuals serving on the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee.

After days of sailing and photography, Vattori’s suspicions regarding “News 12” investigators grew, although he remained unsure if they were media personnel. As the weekend approached, the ship returned to the port of Haifa, carrying with it Vattori’s stories and adventures. Only at the next cruise will it be revealed whether the activists enjoyed themselves as much as the captain.

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