This profession is recruiting: become a home helper

by time news

2023-09-19 10:26:26

The population is aging. And this only increases the need to support people who need help at home, looking for someone to do simple everyday tasks, such as getting up, getting dressed, or simply chatting for a few minutes. Overall, the profession of home help – personal care assistant or even family life assistant – is experiencing unparalleled growth and is recruiting en masse.

“You have to like working with people, want to bring a smile to their face to relieve suffering, restore confidence and show them that they can hang on. » These words are those of Martine Moko, a home helper from the Ile-de-France region who takes care of four elderly people throughout the week.

And this woman, passionate about her profession, continues with frankness and good humor: “I take care of a lady for five hours a day. She has difficulty getting up. It’s not his fault, it’s just nature, age. My role is therefore to help her but also to show her that she does not have to be ashamed of what can happen to her. And honestly, I’m proud every day to come and assist him, to have useful work. »

To provide the necessary care to elderly or disabled people, it is best to undergo training. Certain gestures must be learned, postures known. “We offer a real qualification. It’s a level 3 qualification issued by the Ministry of Labor,” attacks Stéphanie Leseur, who works at Retravailler dans l’Ouest, in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), a training institute.

“It’s important to follow this six-month program because it allows you to acquire good technique,” ​​she insists. And then, it’s a fascinating profession in which we are in contact with dependent people, whether they are old or young, with a disability or not. This is a profession where you train throughout your life to learn new things. And above all, you are sure of having a job at the end of your training as demand is high. »

Huge needs everywhere in France

Salary varies greatly in this sector. It will all depend on the number of hours you work each week. You will often be on minimum wage but you will be able to manage your schedule according to your needs and above all, you will be able to find a job wherever you are, whatever the region or city in which you decide to settle. Paris or even Gironde, the North, Bouches-du-Rhône or Rhône have urgent needs according to Pôle emploi.

In its study “Workforce Needs 2023”, home help comes in sixth position among the professions most sought after by employers and in third position for those where it is the most difficult to recruit. Some 87,780 hiring projects were announced, again by Pôle emploi, for 2023.

Faced with this shortage, some companies do not hesitate, to attract female candidates – men are a very small minority in this activity – to offer increased salaries and even various benefits, in addition to reimbursement of mileage expenses if you have to use your car. to make your daily visits.

“Exercising this profession has given me a real boost in my life, I feel important by giving joy”


Martine Moko once again talks about her commitment to her work to conclude: “I’m not just here to help with eating, for example. I think that if we want to do things well, we have to go further. It’s my way of doing things. Sweeping, cleaning a little, there’s nothing difficult about it and it’s a pleasure for the people you’re visiting. We must understand those who need help. We will all surely go through this one day or another. So, practicing this profession has given me a real boost in my life, I feel important by giving joy. »

It’s up to you: “Home help: my heart at work”, by Marie-Anne Bugnicourt-Seyssel, Ed. Thot, 124 p., 15 euros. An Internet site :

He recruits

Victor Sebag, co-founder of Ouihelp

It is one of the major players in the personal assistance sector with around 4,000 families supported every day. Created in 2016, Ouihelp is in full development and is recruiting en masse. The size of the company doubles every eighteen months. Overall, Victor Sebag, one of the founders, announces that he is recruiting 200 people every month throughout France, including 35 to 45 for Île-de-France alone.

THE PROFILE. We cannot improvise as a caregiver. We recruit with a diploma or a minimum of three years of experience. Moreover, we only keep on average 2% of the applications we receive. To work, you have to love people and the personalization of the service too.

COMPENSATION. It’s 12.32 euros gross per hour, plus mileage allowance, paid vacation and an increase if you have to work evenings or weekends. We are on average 7% above what is practiced and we can even go up to 12. We do not ask for exclusivity. The person who joins us may therefore have other employers.

EVOLUTIONS. We offer multiple training courses to gain skills in pathologies, postures or old age. We can also help our employees move towards the profession of caregiver or nurse. Then, we also have benefits like instant availability of salary and discounts on leisure, culture via our CE. We also offer a service which allows people to know what aid they are entitled to such as APL, activity bonus, etc.

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