LR and RN oppose European distribution

by time news

2023-09-19 11:05:24

The small Italian island of Lampedusa faced an influx of migrants last week. Faced with the situation, a reform about to be adopted by the European Union proposes to distribute those who will request asylum. But the presidents of the Republicans and the National Rally opposed this measure on Tuesday morning.

“We must under no circumstances welcome them and even less distribute them across European territory, I am totally opposed to this,” declared the head of the Republicans on RTL. “We have to make them leave rather than distribute them. There must be a very clear European Union policy to ensure that these people return to their country of origin,” added Éric Ciotti, for whom France is already facing “a form of migratory overwhelm “.

The asylum and migration pact

Alongside an accelerated examination of asylum requests from certain migrants at EU borders, the asylum and immigration pact, on which member states and the European Parliament could agree before the European elections, provides for a system of solidarity between Member States in the care of asylum seekers.

Member States would be required to welcome a certain number of these applicants arriving in an EU country subject to migratory pressure, or failing that, to make a financial contribution to this country of around 20,000 euros for each applicant. asylum not relocated. “I voted against this migration asylum pact in the European Parliament, which is in fact a submersion pact,” insisted the president of the National Rally Jordan Bardella on Europe 1 and CNews.

Do not welcome “a single migrant”

“It provides in the texts to impose on Member States a compulsory distribution of migrants in our municipalities. Either you take immigration with its share of misfortunes, or you pay very expensive fines to the European Union. So that’s not possible,” insisted the far-right European elected official.

“As part of the European elections in June, I will be the candidate of France which can no longer take its part today in matters of immigration,” insisted the head of the RN list who had asked Emmanuel on Friday Macron to make a commitment not to welcome “a single migrant” from Lampedusa.

#oppose #European #distribution

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