Kill with a first glider hovercraft: Smart cop introduces a glider to a valid glider

by time news

Smart Policeman, an Israeli company that develops and manufactures advanced firing control systems that connect to small arms, this week (Monday) unveils for the first time the SMASH Dragon – a system carried on a skimmer and based on the company’s SMASH technology.

SMASH Dragon is a payload mounted on a glider that allows the operator to shoot and hit accurately from the air for a stationary or mobile purpose, while the glider itself is remotely controlled and the operator is at a safe distance. According to the company, this is a payload suitable for mounting on a large variety of skimmers of different types, and can combine different types of assault rifles, sniper rifles, 40 mm and other ammunition. The lightweight payload allows the glider, which is inherently limited during the flight, to perform its task efficiently and accurately.

Smart Cop states that it actually takes its advanced technology that is already embedded today on many personal weapons of customers such as the IDF and the US Army and allows to compensate for the instability and difficulty of the soldier to be accurate and hit the first shot, and assimilates it on skimmers for the first time. .

The use of the same technology on a glider and the ability to accurately hit static and moving targets while flying is made possible thanks to the unique ability of SMASH technology to deal with instability. The system has recently completed a successful round of trials, and is in advanced stages of development.

Michal Moore, CEO of the company, says: “SMASH technology dramatically increases the chances of hitting any soldier or policeman, without the need for prior experience, and significantly lowers the chances of hitting uninvolved people. We are now happy to offer the same familiar and proven technology even in a skimmer configuration, which is remotely controlled and allows for quick acquisition of the target and accurate firing on it from the air and from different angles.

“When it comes to UAV systems, the weight of the platform is a critical factor as it affects the flight time, so the light weight of the SMASH Dragon is another significant advantage and ensures that it is a very relevant solution for many armies and security forces around the world.”

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