More than 11,000 employees of public companies still do not receive this year’s salary increase of 2.5%

by time news

2023-09-19 18:12:21

More than 11,000 public employees have not yet received this year’s 2.5% salary increase. That is the complaint made by the Independent Trade Union Center and Civil Servants (CSIF), demanding that it be made effective retroactively from January 1.

In a statement, the union has criticized that, nine months later, workers in public companies such as Paradores, Navantia, Puertos del Estado, Fundae or Incibe have still not received this increase, which has been included in the General State Budgets since last year. past and there are even companies like the public company Senesa, specialized in air safety and aeronautical navigation, whose 600 employees have not yet received the 2022 increase.

The union has regretted that these entities have remained in the “tail van to collect an increase that, however, has already been paid in the majority of public companies that belong to the same family: the State.” For this reason, they have demanded that the increase materialize this month.

CSIF has also demanded that the Ministry of Finance and Public Function immediately authorize the salary increase in all public companies that are pending payment to their employees and even. Likewise, they have insisted on the “insufficient” nature of this salary increase not yet paid, despite the fact that in the payrolls for this month of October it must be complemented with 0.5% – also retroactively from January 1 – , as agreed if the harmonized CPI, added for 2022 and 2023, exceeded 6%.

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